Civics and citizenship / Year 7 / Civics and Citizenship Skills / Questioning and research

Curriculum content descriptions

Identify, gather and sort information and ideas from a range of sources (ACHCS055)

  • using a range of sources of information to show religious diversity in Australia, such as articles, graphs, charts and statistics
  • categorising information under headings that are the focus for research
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Authenticity (Texts),  Information literacy


Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum Year 7 unit of work

This unit of work deals with key concepts relating to Australia's federal Parliament specifically the question 'How is Australia's system of democratic government shaped by the Constitution?' It contains lessons, differentiated activities, assessment items and a marking rubric.


Commerce 4 – Law, society and political involvement

In this learning sequence students investigate the role and structure of the legal system. They develop an understanding of how laws affect individuals and groups and regulate society, and how individuals and groups participate in the democratic process. Students examine various legal and political systems and learn how ...


Civics and Citizenship: Who are we?

Students will explore different perspectives about Australian national identity and values. The unit supports development of understandings of how national identity can shape a sense of belonging, and the factors that can contribute to this.


Western Australia: A Centenary of Change 1918 - 2018

This resource has been developed to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the conclusion of World War I. The resource aims to support teachers from Foundation through to Year 10 in integrating 100 years of West Australian history into the HASS curriculum.