Geography / Year 8 / Geographical Knowledge and Understanding / Unit 2: Changing nations

Curriculum content descriptions

Reasons for, and effects of, internal migration in both Australia and China (ACHGK056)

  • identifying and explaining the main types, patterns and trends of internal migration in Australia (for example, employment, lifestyle and retirement migration)
  • examining the effects of resource development on employment growth in both the resource regions and the cities, and on internal migration in Australia
  • investigating the effects of the ‘fly-in fly-out’ phenomenon on resource-development places
  • explaining that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ population mobility reflects attachment to a number of places through family, Country/Place, dispossession, relocation and employment
  • identifying and explaining the patterns of temporary and permanent internal migration in China and the effects on the places of origin and destination
  • examining the role of labour migration in the urban development of China (for example, the growth of Shenzhen, Guangdong Province)
  • exploring the issues relating to China’s ‘floating population’
  • examining the environmental problems of China’s megacities (for example, air pollution in Beijing)
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Australia,  Moving house,  Population mobility


ABC 7.30: If you build it, they will come

It's been 'all systems go' in the Northern Territory, with a range of new development projects springing up. In this clip from 2013, see Territorians coming up with novel solutions to the age-old problem of housing. Could a shortage of affordable housing derail the good economic times?


Changing places

In this inquiry learning sequence students explore how migration impacts on the concentration of people into urban places. China has been selected as the focus country for this investigation. For each key inquiry question, students are encouraged to design their own inquiry questions as a subset in order to complete the ...


Across Land and Sea: Muzafar’s True Story

This interactive resource explores the experiences of a former refugee from Afghanistan, Muzafar Ali, who has worked as a political and human rights analyst. The resources explore the experiences of a refugee or displaced person in countries such as Pakistan, Indonesia and Australia. The site includes video clips, photos ...


Sample Teaching and Learning Outline: Humanities and Social Sciences Year 8

Find ideas and relevant links for teaching Year 8 History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship and Economics in this resource.


Exploring Masterchef Indonesia

In this learning sequence, students learn about a variety of Indonesian cuisines through popular Indonesian TV cooking shows and increase their Indonesian language vocabulary focusing on food.


Farms and people’s connections to them: producer video

This is a video about the operation of the Outback Pride project and the value of the Australian native food produced in conjunction with Aboriginal peoples. To a visual background of the nursery at Reedy Creek in South Australia and some of 25 Aboriginal communities involved in the project in SA and Northern Territory, ...


Reforestation as a climate change strategy

This is a video about an agroforestry project to restore the tree cover of microwatersheds in the High Andes of Peru in which the Chumbivilcas community worked with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund. Interviews with the local mayor and project officers emphasise ...


Lateline: City bound

China is experiencing rapid urbanisation. Rural workers are on the move, searching for new opportunities in China's largest cities. This process is fuelling China's economic growth and improving the wellbeing of its citizens. But is the rate of change too fast? Are there pitfalls on the road to prosperity?


Food production in the Murray-Darling Basin

This thirteen and a half minute video highlights the importance of food and fibre production in the Murray Darling Basin. It explores the perspective of the farm families involved in both irrigated and dryland farming and explains how their products are distributed to local, national and global markets. This video also ...


Interactive maps

Interactive Maps is a discovery and exploration view of Geoscience Australia's geospatial services. Maps are organised under the following themes: Australian Marine Spatial Information System (AMSIS); Earth observation and satellite imagery, National location information; Geology and geophysics; Hazards; Marine and coastal; ...


Geography: Landscapes and Landforms

Join Shona from Geoscience Australia and explore the formation of Australia's coastal, desert and mountain landforms and landscapes.


ABC 7.30: Where do we build next?

Like many Australian cities, Melbourne has been growing rapidly. This clip from 2012 investigates debates about where Melbourne's urban growth should occur. While inner city areas are slowly being redeveloped, the outer suburbs continue to sprawl and their residents battle some serious issues.


Weathering, erosion, landforms and regolith - Teacher notes and student activities

This 112 page booklet explores the processes of weathering, erosion and deposition. It highlights the different types of weathering, erosion and transport and provides examples of famous landscapes to enhance the understanding of these processes. It includes case studies about the formation of many Australian landforms ...


Seeing the Land from an Indigenous Canoe

This is website about the significant contribution Aboriginal people made in colonial times by guiding European explorers and colonists, stock and goods across the Victorian river systems. The resource includes introductory information and 31 Story Objects in the format of videos, audio, images and text. Each object also ...


Digital stories of Immigration

This is a rich collection of digital stories about people who have immigrated to Victoria. The resource is presented in three sections: Introductory information; Story Objects; and Story Education Resources. There are 21 Story Objects that include images, videos, links, information, interviews and transcripts. There are ...


Exploring Australia's Seafloor

This video, presented by marine ecologist Dr Rachel Przeslawski, explores how marine scientists make maps of the seafloor and what these maps are used for. Dr Przeslawski talks about her experiences as a marine scientist involved with making maps from ships and discovering the depth, shape and hardness of the sea floor. ...


Geological Timewalk Booklet

This 58 page booklet explores geological timescales in the context of the Australian continent. Each section discusses a single geological time interval, and outlines the major geological, climatic and biological events which occurred in that interval, including continental drift, the break-up and amalgamation of continental ...


Introduction to the Geography of Australia

This short video introduces the physical geography of Australia using a colourful topographic map. Students are shown the three major physical regions of the continent, the lack of large mountains and consider why relatively few people live in Australia given its size.


Foreign Correspondent: Power is money on the the Mekong

Discover why the Lao Government plans to build a hydropower dam at Xayaboury (Xayaburi) on the Mekong River and how neighbouring countries might react. The Mekong River Commission is attempting to maintain a balance for all users of the river. Find out why this is a difficult and complex task.


ABC News: Light rail plan for western Sydney

Long lines of cars, frustrated drivers in peak traffic: familiar? As the population of Australia's major cities continues to rise and spread outwards, increased strain is placed on existing infrastructure such as roads. People often look to government to fix urban problems. Could a light rail system solve Sydney's western ...