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Geography / Year 9 / Geographical Inquiry and Skills / Collecting, recording, evaluating and representing

Curriculum content descriptions

Represent spatial distribution of geographical phenomena by constructing special purpose maps that conform to cartographic conventions, using spatial technologies as appropriate (ACHGS066)

  • creating a map to show the relationship between biomes and world food production, using a spatial technologies application
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Maps (Geographic location),  Key (Data representation),  Scale (Proportions),  Spatial technologies


The Business: Bike use in Europe is streets ahead

In the German city of Leipzig, it seems as if almost everyone rides a bike. Like many European cities, Leipzig is 'bike friendly' and its residents have taken full advantage. In this clip, the reporter shows us why Europe is streets ahead when it comes to encouraging bike use and investigates what it might take for Australian ...


ABC News: Food security in Australia

How much food does Australia produce, and what does this mean for food security in Australia? Watch this clip to find out about the factors that influence food production and crop yields, and also about the role that science and technology play. How will future population growth affect global food production and security?


The mountain-pygmy possum: On the edge

In this series of tasks, students identify habitats for the endangered mountain pygmy-possum, and use Geographic Information System (GIS) and geographical techniques to identify preferred survey sites and to estimate population numbers. The resource focuses on the biophysical environment of suitable alpine habitats; students ...


Types of photos

This video outlines the different types of photographs commonly used in geography including ground, oblique air, aerial and satellite. Animations support understanding of the different types of photographs commonly used in geography. Examples of each type of photograph are provided along with hints and tips associated with ...


Topographic maps video

This video explores how topographic maps can be used to illustrate physical land features, geographic position and elevations. It examines how to interpret contour lines and contour intervals, and how to identify mountains, valleys, plains, vegetation and hydrology. It also examines how to use a key in a topographic map ...


Time zones

The video explains how the lines of longitude are used to measure time zones around the world. It explains that the Earth rotates about 15 degrees per hour and each line of longitude represents an hour difference counting east or west from the Prime Meridian. The video contains worked examples explaining how to count forward ...


Sustainable Biomes

In this geographical inquiry learning sequence students explore the main characteristics that differentiate the world’s biomes.


Population profiles

This video outlines the features associated with population profiles (also commonly referred to as population pyramids). It outlines how to interpret a population pyramid based on its shape and make inferences about a city or country's population changes across a set period.


Photo sketch

This video demonstrates how to draw a photo sketch (also commonly referred to as a line drawing) used to identify key geographical features and summarise these for future reference.


Other common graphs

This video outlines some common graphs used in geography including scatter graphs, cumulative bar graphs, divergence bar charts and ternary graphs. It outlines how each type of graph is read and interpreted in detail with appropriate statistical examples demonstrating the purpose and use of each graph type.


Latitude and longitude

This video outlines the features of latitude and longitude on maps. It explains the common rules and provides hints and tips associated with reading latitude and longitude in geography. It includes several worked examples demonstrating how to combine latitude and longitude to find the exact location of a place on earth.


Introduction to maps

This video outlines the common types of maps used in the geography classroom and the key features associated with each type of map including border, orientation, legend, title, scale and source. It details the characteristics associated with physical maps, topographic maps, political maps, synoptic charts, choropleth maps, ...



This learning sequence focuses on the connections people have to places across a range of scales. Students explore how transport, information and communication technologies and trade link people to many places. They explain the effects of human activities, such as production, recreation and travel, on places and environments ...


Field instruments

This resource provides an overview of common geographical field instruments. It details some common field instruments used in geographical fieldwork, beginning with instruments used to record and observe weather such as thermometers and barometers. The video includes a detailed description of the purpose of topographic ...


Directions and bearings

Learn about the purpose of using direction in geography and how bearings are a more specific way of finding direction. The video also demonstrates how to use a protractor to find the bearing between two points of reference on a map. Once students become familiar with using a ruler and protractor, they will be able to apply ...


Cross-sections and transects

This video outlines how to construct a cross-section using a topographic map and grid paper. The difference between cross-sections and transects is outlined. The video demonstrates a completed cross-section and an example of a transect to provide an understanding of the key differences and similarities between each graph.


Contours, gradient, relief and aspect

Topographic maps allow geographers to identify landscape, the gradient of a slope, relief and aspect. This video details how cartographers create maps using points of reference on the landscape. It explains how contour lines show the height of the land above sea level and how understanding contours can teach geographers ...


Conducting a field sketch

Field sketches are a simple and useful fieldwork skill that can be applied to all environments and a variety of geographical inquiries. This video outlines the process of conducting a field sketch to observe key geographical features and human activity in an environment of study.


Common graphs

This resource provides an overview of the common types of graphs such as column graphs, bar graphs, pie graphs and line graphs. that are used in learning areas such as Geography and Economics. This video instructs students on how to interpret common types of graphs. It demonstrates what the graphs look like, what their ...


Work sample Year 9 Geography: Geographies of interconnections

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 9 Geography. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation ...