Chinese / Year 9 and 10 / Communicating / Creating

Curriculum content descriptions

Respond to imaginative texts by stating how themes such as relationships, image and acceptance are portrayed, and create own performances to express ideas on personal experiences of these themes

[Key concepts: experience, emotion, beauty, character; Key processes: viewing, listening, responding, creating]


  • sharing opinions on language used in contemporary media for young people, including music videos and TV series, for example, 我很喜欢学这首歌,它的歌词很美
  • explaining meaning of scripts and lyrics, and recognising how feelings/emotions are expressed in ‘subtle’ ways through the use of stylistic devices or symbolism, for example, 月亮代表我的心
  • comparing how the theme of love is represented across different imaginative texts in both Chinese and English, and discussing personal responses, for example, 我觉得这个故事很像…。我不喜欢…因为他…,如果他像…一样,那么…
  • identifying how media convey a sense of ‘right’ and purpose in the lives of young people and expressing own opinion (for example, 我觉得他是好人,因为他帮助老人) and reactions to the situations and contexts represented, for example, 如果我是她; 我觉得他最好…
  • portraying a scene from a familiar narrative (for example, creating a skit or short play recounting an event from a well-known novel) and considering how the main characters represent their experiences and express their emotions through their interactions
  • creating a Chinese voiceover for a scene from an English language sitcom, experimenting with ways in which language, image, behaviour and humour are used to enhance meaning and entertainment
  • collaborating to create short performances, for example, a skit about celebrating Spring Festival, a simple lyric for a song about school life, or a rap about being a student of Chinese
  • collaborating to develop an imaginative promotional video to post on a website to sell an innovative product or service, such as a Chinese-speaking toy panda or a peer tutoring service
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Imaginative texts,  Tolerance,  Chinese languages,  Love

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