Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages / Year 3 to 6 / Communicating / Identity

Curriculum content descriptions

Interact with others, noticing how ways of communicating with and responding to each other shape and reflect identity

[Key concepts: identity, kinship, community, membership; Key processes: creating, representing, comparing]


  • developing a class wall chart or creating family trees, labelling with appropriate kinship terms for extended family members
  • using visual representations such as concept maps, posters or captioned slide presentations to identify group memberships, for example, friends, family, sporting, interests and community groups, discussing what such associations contribute to their sense of identity )
  • creating a profile to capture their sense of self, for example, through an avatar or montage, using key words and simple expressions to comment on the significance of particular events, relationships or experiences
  • considering how their own upbringing and experiences impact on assumptions they bring to in intercultural interactions, for example, in relation to concepts such as leisure and free time, family and community responsibilities, reflecting on whether these assumptions have changed in the process of learning the target language
  • noticing and comparing their own and each other’s ways of communicating, identifying elements that reflect cultural differences or influences of other languages
  • monitoring their own development as a learner of the target language, for example, by recording learning experiences and reflections in blogs, learning logs or journals
  • identifying markers of identity that may be important across all cultures, for example, family, community, location, language, age, gender
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
Cross-curriculum priorities
ScOT terms

Australian languages

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