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Hindi / Year 3 and 4 / Understanding / Role of language and culture

Curriculum content descriptions

Recognise the relationship between language and culture, for example, by identifying expressions, gestures or forms of address associated with different cultural practices

[Key concepts: non-verbal language, politeness, culture, traditions; Key processes: discussing, describing, comparing, reflecting]


  • understanding that languages carry cultural ideas and values, as in the use of words such as देसी as opposed to विदेशी, the use of blessings by older people to children, the use of indirect forms of language such as कोई बात नहीं as a way of deflecting a difficult situation
  • identifying forms of address or expressions associated with cultural events or celebrations that reflect values and traditions, for example, बधाई हो
  • noticing how family values such as familiarity, politeness or respect are expressed in Hindi and associated behaviours, for example, addressing cousins or distant male siblings as भइया; the concept of जूठा
  • identifying words and expressions that reflect cultural beliefs, practices and traditions, such as offering of प्रसाद to God, offering to God or visitors फूल, मिठाई, फल, पानी पीजिए to guests when they visit
  • noticing that some Australian terms and expressions are only meaningful in the Australian context and have no equivalent in Hindi, for example, ‘fair go’, ‘she’ll be right’
  • recognising words and expressions in Hindi that reflect traditions and distinctions that are not easily translated into English, for example, forms of address such as स्वामी जी for a religious leader, गुरुजी for a male teacher, बाबाजी for an older male person and राम राम as a mode of greeting in villages
General capabilities
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Hindi language

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