Indonesian / Year 5 and 6 / Communicating / Socialising

Curriculum content descriptions

Participate in classroom interactions and structured tasks by asking and responding to questions, seeking permission and expressing preferences

[Key concepts: collaboration, responsibility; Key processes: requesting, interacting]


  • asking and responding to questions, and asking for repetition or clarification, for example, Sekali lagi, Bu, Maaf, Bu, saya tidak mengerti, Di mana kata itu?
  • responding to instructions and commands, for example, Masuklah, Bukalah laptop kamu, Jangan lari, Tulislah di bukumu, Bacalah lebih keras, Berdirilah di depan kelas, Dengarkanlah, Ulangilah
  • asking permission, for example, Boleh saya ke WC?, Boleh pinjam kamus/penggaris/pena merah?
  • giving advice and reminders to peers, for example, Pakailah sepatumu, Kamu harus menulis di bukumu, Jangan bercakap-cakap
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Questions (Sentences),  Indonesian language

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