Indonesian / Year 9 and 10 / Communicating / Socialising

Curriculum content descriptions

Share personal opinions and experiences with peers, comparing aspects of teenage life such as relationships, events and aspirations

[Key concepts: youth, relationship; Key processes: exchanging, comparing]


  • interacting with peers to share experiences of and opinions about teenage life, such as responsibilities, relationships and aspirations, for example, Tugas saya mencuci piring setiap malam; saya dilarang ke luar sesudah jam sepuluh malam, kami cuma makan makanan yang halal
  • exchanging with peers aspects of own identity and personal world, for example, describing significant events such as a recent party, childhood holidays, school highlights, influential figures or milestones
  • developing relationships with peers by exchanging views and expressing empathy and well-wishes, for example, describing views of particular people or events (Yang paling disukai…), wishing others well (harap segera sembuh, semoga sukses) and experimenting with informal language where appropriate, for example, cowok itu cakep banget
  • debating issues and discussing personal views on topics such as education, relationships, environment, sustainability, employment, self-image, health and music, for example, Pada pendapat saya…; Dari pihak saya; saya kurang setuju karena…; Walaupun demikian…
  • participating in conversations, using strategies to sustain interactions, such as asking for repetition, clarification or confirmation (for example, Bisa diulang Bu?, Saya kurang mengerti), and inviting further exchange, for example, Bagaimana pendapatmu terhadap…?
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
Cross-curriculum priorities
ScOT terms

Social relations,  Sharing (Cooperation),  Indonesian language

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