Italian / Year 3 and 4 / Communicating / Reflecting

Curriculum content descriptions

Compare experiences, noticing how these are influenced by language and culture and how readily they may be expressed in Italian

[Key concept: assumption; Key process: comparing]


  • reflecting on cultural differences between everyday life in Italy and Australia, for example, asking how their school day would change if they went to primary school in Italy or what they would find interesting about sharing a lunch with an Italian family, and why; and considering what they would tell a visiting Italian child about how their own family celebrates Christmas, and explaining their choices
  • noticing the influence of important events such as religious celebrations on childhood experiences (for example, le lezioni settimanali di catechismo, la Prima Comunione, andare alla Scuola Media) and connecting these to their own experiences
  • recognising similarities in the Italian and Australian schooling systems (for example, la maestra, l’aula, il cortile), and differences (for example, il bidello, la mensa, il giardino, le scale), and noticing that the Italian school day is different for cultural reasons
  • noticing similarities between Australian and Italian cultures in major celebrations like Christmas (l’albero di Natale) and Easter (l’uovo di cioccolata), as well as differences, for example, the presence of il presepe at Christmas, and the presence of la sorpresa dentro all’uovo di cioccolata at Easter
  • noticing how their own language use influences expectations about Italian language use, such as seeing word order as ‘back to front’, for example, la macchina rossa = the red car
  • discussing distinctive social and cultural practices such as celebrations, for example, Santo Stefano, Ferragosto, Carnevale or Pasquetta
  • considering messages in Italian children’s stories and making comparisons with own experiences, for example, Is that the same or different for me? What would I do or say in that particular situation?
  • considering own and others’ cultural assumptions about home, school and leisure, and how these may be different in an Italian context
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Italian language

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