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Italian / Year 7 and 8 / Communicating / Creating

Curriculum content descriptions

Participate in listening to, reading and viewing imaginative texts and make connections with characters, events, actions, settings, and key ideas and messages

[Key concepts: moral/message, sequence, performance, identity, imagination, character; Key processes: understanding, connecting; Key text types: description, narrative, cartoon]


  • describing characters (Chi? Com’è? Come fa?), events (Cosa succede? Quando?), settings (Dove?), and key ideas (Perché?), and establishing sequence, for example, prima … poi … dopo
  • listening to and reading stories, songs and poems, noticing aspects of meaning and style, for example, use of rhythm, rhyme, choice of key words
  • reinterpreting and performing stories and songs in spoken or written form, by retelling the sequence, reordering the events in a story, or creating an alternative representation or ending
  • comparing aspects of theatre across cultures, focusing on the purpose, origins and values
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Imaginative texts,  Characters (Narratives),  Settings (Narratives),  Themes (Texts),  Italian language

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