Italian / Year 7 and 8 / Understanding / Systems of language

Curriculum content descriptions

Develop awareness of features of the Italian sound system, including pronunciation, syllable stress, rhythm and intonation, and how these are represented in written form (ACLITU108)

  • listening to and producing the sounds of Italian, and noticing sound–symbol correspondence, for example, consonant combinations (for example, famiglia, gnocchi, chiesa, barche), vowel combinations (for example, buono, chiave, ciliegia) and double consonants (for example, sono and sonno)
  • using the Italian alphabet, making connections between spoken and written forms, understanding the effect of grave and acute accents (for example, città, perché)
  • recognising differences in tone and rhythm between statements, questions, exclamations, requests and commands, for example, Vai a casa? Vai a casa!
  • noting differences between Italian and English use of capital letters, and using rules of capitalisation when creating own texts, for example, omission of capitals with weekdays, months of the year and nationalities
  • checking pronunciation of words using sound files and text-to-speech software
  • recording individual words to create a talking dictionary
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Pronunciation,  Intonation,  Stress (Speech),  Italian language

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