Italian / Year 9 and 10 / Understanding / Systems of language

Curriculum content descriptions

Extend knowledge of and use more complex features and patterns of the Italian grammatical system, including possessive, reflexive, demonstrative and relative pronouns; irregular and reflexive verbs; and comparatives and superlatives (ACLITU128)

  • learning how to use:
    • articles — rules for inclusion or omission, for example, mio padre and il mio papà; Buongiorno signora… È la signora
    • nouns — irregular plurals (for example, la città/le città, il dito/le dita), and collective nouns, for example, la gente
    • pronouns — possessive, reflexive, demonstrative and relative
    • comparatives and superlatives (regular and irregular) to make descriptions more precise, for example, Il film è piu bello del romanzo; è bellissimo
    • adverbs of time and manner, for example, ieri, di solito
    • prepositions (articulated or simple) to indicate destinations and directions, for example, in Italia, a Roma, al parco
    • interrogatives, for example, Chi …? Quando …? Come…?
    • verbs indicating action in the present (including irregular verbs and reflexives) and action across time: present perfect; imperfect; exposure to the future and conditional tenses and impersonal si; use of modals to indicate ability/willingness/necessity
    • compound sentences (for example, Mi piace la pizza ma preferisco le lasagne), and complex sentences, for example, La città che ho visitato era bellissima
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Degrees of comparison,  Possession (Grammar),  Reflexive verbs,  Irregular verbs,  Demonstratives,  Relative pronouns,  Italian language

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