Japanese / Foundation to Year 2 / Communicating / Socialising

Curriculum content descriptions

Participate in classroom routines such as addressing and responding to the teacher, opening and closing of lessons, transition activities, following instructions, thanking and asking for help, using appropriate gestures and behaviour

[Key concepts: routines, rules, interactions; Key processes: participating, responding, requesting, apologising]


  • participating as a group in classroom routines such as opening and closing lessons, for example, せんせい、おはようございます。さようなら。, using appropriate gestures
  • understanding and responding to questions using まる/ばつ (○×) and はい/いいえ
  • understanding and responding to classroom instructions to play games, complete work or get ready for class, for example, たって ください、すわって ください、かいて ください、みて  ください、よんで ください、きいて ください。
  • requesting classroom objects, for example, noun を ください、えんぴつ が あります か。 はい、どうぞ。
  • giving one another reminders such as しずかに、すわって, using appropriate gestures
  • participating in routine exchanges such as responding to the class roll and apologising for arriving late, for example, はい、います。Tia さん は、いません。やすみ です。おくれて すみません。
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Instructions,  Help-seeking behaviour,  Classroom activities,  Remorse,  Thanking,  Japanese language

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