Japanese / Year 3 and 4 / Communicating / Translating

Curriculum content descriptions

Create bilingual versions of familiar texts such as songs, conversations, picture dictionaries, captions for images and displays, or photo stories

[Key concepts: bilingualism, expression, code-mixing; Key processes: translating, performing, creating, adapting]


  • including some Japanese words, exclamations or phrases when interacting in English in simple games or exchanges that involve feelings or reactions, for example, いたい, あぶない, oh that was fun, でも まけた。 Anne さん, that was すごい!
  • performing bilingual versions of familiar songs such as ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It …’, alternating between the two languages and switching key words in repeated phrases
  • creating personal print or digital bilingual dictionaries that include visual cues and representations
  • creating simple activities or action songs that involve alternating or combining repeated words or phrases in Japanese and English, such as verbs, question words or months of the year, for example, せんせい says
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Bilingual texts,  Japanese language

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