Korean / Year 5 and 6 / Understanding / Systems of language

Curriculum content descriptions

Understand and use aspects of the Korean grammatical system such asverb conjugations, suffixes, some particles, basic conjunctions and the honorific system, building a metalanguage totalk about basic grammatical features in Korean

[Key concepts: grammatical rules, grammatical terminology, forms,functions, speech levels; Key processes: classifying, applying, explaining, distinguishing]


  • expressing simple events occurring in the past using –었/았–, for example, 캔버라에 살았어요
  • making simple negation using and , for example, 비가 안 와요, 김치를 못먹었어요
  • expressing events occurring in sequence by using:
    • conjunctive adverbs such as 그리고 at the beginning of thesecond of two sentences, for example, 밥을 먹어요. 그리고 운동해요
    • a conjunctive suffix (clausal connective) in acoordinative structure –고, for example, 밥을 먹고 운동해요
  • using particles –하고 (as a meaning of ‘together with’) and–에서, for example, 친구하고 쇼핑했어요, 학교에서 공부해요
  • using a structure, a noun + –(으)로, as a set phrase and understanding the meaning of the particle–(으)로, for example, 펜으로 쓰세요. 한국어로 뭐예요?
  • using the complex structures –(으)ㄴ/는 것 같다 and –도 되다 in the informalpolite style ending –‍어/아요 to express opinions and give/request permission, for example, 맞는 것 같아요; 가도 돼요?
  • using question words to ask aboutreasons and prices in set phrases 왜요? and 얼마예요? and asking about states, feelings or opinions using 어때요, for example,영화가 어땠어요?
  • recognising the formal polite ending –ㅂ/습니다 and the intimate ending –어/아, 해, andunderstanding the different contexts where different levels of politeness and formality are indicated by verb endings,for example, 미안합니다/미안해요/미안해
  • recognising how word ordersare different and syntactic functions are realised differently in simple sentences in Korean and English, for example,‘저는 (subject) 사과를 (object) 먹어요 (verb)’ versus ‘I (subject) eat (verb) an apple (object)’
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Conjugation (Grammar),  Suffixes,  Honorifics,  Korean language

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