Modern Greek / Year 7 and 8 / Understanding / Systems of language

Curriculum content descriptions

Identify and reproduce irregularities of some sound–letter relationships and combinations, such as σμ, αυ, ευ, μία/μια, όι, άι, οϊ, αϊ, κι εγώ, build on pronunciation, using the accent mark for both intonation and meaning, spell frequently used words and apply accurate punctuation to writing

[Key concepts: sound and writing systems; Key processes: repeating, experimenting, comparing, applying]


  • examining differences in digraphs/diphthongs, consonant and vowel combinations, and double consonants
  • reinforcing the sounds represented by, for example, δ, θ, β, ξ,ψ, χ, and comparing similarities and differences between the Greek and Roman scripts
  • examining and applying the rules of accentuation when using Greek
  • identifying differences in tone, intonation and rhythm between statements, questions, exclamations and commands, for example, ορίστε, παρακαλώ, identifying and using irregularities in the language such as κι εγώ, μία-μια, δύο-δυο
  • applying punctuation and spelling rules to own writing
  • experimenting with pronunciation of less familiar texts
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Greek language

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