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Turkish / Year 7 and 8 / Understanding / Systems of language

Curriculum content descriptions

Understand the relationship between the sounds, rhythms, stress and intonation patterns of spoken Turkish, and recognise elements of the written language, such as spelling patterns, agglutination, vowel harmony and symbols

[Key concepts: pronunciation, intonation, vowel harmony, agglutination; Key processes: listening, distinguishing, recognising, applying]


  • identifying and using the sounds and spelling of letters ı-i, o-ö, u-ü, ş, ç, ğ in spoken and written Turkish
  • recognising the use of yumuşak g (soft g) ğ only in the middle and end of words
  • recognising different stress, intonation patterns and rhythms, as in statements, questions or exclamations, and understanding how these affect meaning, for example, kapı açık kaldı, inanmıyorum, gerçekten mi, onun yalanlarına inanmıyorum, bana eposta yazdı, Türkiye’ye gittiğimde yazdı
  • recognising spelling patterns such as softening p, ç, t, k before suffixes starting with a vowel, and understanding how these affect meaning, for example, kitap-kitabı, ağaç-ağacı, kağıt-kağıdı, kapak-kapağı
  • learning about the pronunciation of long and short vowels with and without the accent and understanding how the length of the vowel and the accent can change the meaning of words, as in murâdına-Murat and hala-hâlâ, and palatalise the previous consonant, as in kar-kâr
  • applying principles of vowel harmony, sound assimilation of consonants and grammatical knowledge to spelling and writing unfamiliar words, for example, suffixes such as -, kapkaççı, bankacı, yolcu, oduncu, sound assimilation such as sokak+-da = sokakta, süt+-de = sütte, kebap+-cı = kebapçı, simit+-ci = simitçi
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
ScOT terms

Turkish language

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