Turkish / Year 7 and 8 / Understanding / Language variation and change

Curriculum content descriptions

Understand that Turkish language use varies according to factors such as age, gender, social position or regional variation

[Key concepts: variation, context, register, relationship; Key processes: noticing, identifying, comparing, explaining]


  • understanding that language is used differently to reflect levels of politeness and formality, for example, the use of the pronoun siz instead of sen and the second plural indicator -iz; the use of professional titles or honorifics with elders and strangers, instead of their names, Serren Teyze/Serren Hanım gelir misiniz lütfen? compared with Mustafa gelir misin lütfen? Melek gelsene! Hazel buraya gel! Doktor Hanım, Müdür Bey
  • comparing features of standard Turkish and regional varieties used in Turkey and elsewhere in the world, understanding that these variations involve accents, dialects and vocabulary, for example, the word geliyorum is gelirem (Azerbaijan) gelikene (Western Thrace), celiyrum/geliyem/geliyom (Black Sea/South East Anatolian Region/North Cyprus)
  • analysing samples of language used in the media, for example, haber programları, çocuk ve gençlik programları and Türk dizileri, to identify the influence of factors such as age, gender, social position and regional variation on language use and text composition
  • collecting and comparing language samples that show how people vary their language based on relationships, context, status and background, for example, by comparing language used by teachers in the classroom with that of students in the playground, or politicians’ speeches with storytelling in a playgroup
  • analysing language used in social interactions such as greetings, apologies, farewells and good wishes in relation to social relationships, age or backgrounds of speakers, for example, Şeref verdiniz efendim buyrun, Merhaba Leman Teyze, nasılsın? Selam Zeynep, Ne haber Suzan? Hoşça kal, Allahaısmarladık, Yine görüşmek dileğiyle
  • identifying and explaining protocols associated with the use of body language and gestures that reflect cultural values or traditions in Turkish-speaking interactions, such as kissing hands, avoiding crossing of the legs or placing hands in pockets
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Turkish language

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