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Mathematics / Foundation / Measurement and Geometry / Location and transformation

Curriculum content descriptions

Describe position and movement (ACMMG010)

  • interpreting the everyday language of location and direction, such as ‘between’, ‘near’, ‘next to’, ‘forward’, ‘toward’
  • following and giving simple directions to guide a friend around an obstacle path and vice versa
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Numeracy Numeracy
ScOT terms

Location (Geometry),  Displacement (Motion)


Sites2See: Space and Geometry for Primary

Selected links to online resources that can support the teaching and learning of geometry for primary-aged students.


Pigs in hiding

The pigs are playing a game of hide and seek. One pig counts to 100 while all the other pigs go and hide. But where are the hiding pigs? The pig cannot find the hiding pigs so he sets up a table of food to lure the other pigs from their hiding places. The spoken text of this short animated story is featured in speech bubbles ...


The Foos: Free Code Hour - Google Play app

Learn programming skills by animating characters in the puzzle levels. Use your new programming skills to create interactions between characters in the 'toy box' area. Free when reviewed on 12/5/2015.


Scratch Jr - Google Play app

Learn programming skills by snapping together programming blocks. Make characters walk, jump, dance and sing. Add your own voice or modify your own characters and make your own interactive story. Free when reviewed on 12/5/2015.


Blue-bot - iTunes app

This app is made to be used in conjunction with the TTS floor robot, Blue-Bot. Write an algorithm and Blue-bot follows your instructions. Learn how to code using directional language. Free when reviewed on 12/5/2015.


Scratch Jr - iTunes app

Learn programming skills by snapping together programming blocks. Make characters walk, jump, dance and sing. Add your own voice or modify your own characters and make your own interactive story. Free when reviewed on 12/5/2015.


Sometimes things move and change location

This two-week unit develops student knowledge, understanding and skills of the concept that sometimes things move and change location. Students are provided opportunities to: represent numbers in a variety of ways; reason about the way numbers can be combined and separated; share objects equally and put shared objects back ...


Collections of ten are really useful

This two-week unit develops student knowledge and understanding that skills of collections of 10 are really useful. Students are provided opportunities to: represent numbers in a variety of ways; reason about the way numbers can be combined and separated; use positional language both in a physical world context and in more ...


Growing and changing on the farm

In this resource, students learn about how farm animals grow and change over time, focusing on naming, modelling and measuring these changes through hands-on activities. This lesson is part of a sequence of lessons that can be used with this age-group of students. Topics include Seasons and jobs on the farm; Who lives on ...


Sometimes things move and change location: K–2 Year B – Unit 10

This unit develops understanding and skills of position.


Collections of ten are really useful: K–2 Year B – Unit 11

This sample multi–age unit develops student knowledge, understanding, and skills of place value, number representation, and data.


Sometimes things move and change location: K–2 Year A – Unit 10

This unit develops understanding and skills of position and chance.


The Mathscots: Hiding the Bone

This animated video highlights positional language and directions when Buster hides his dog bone in the garden. The mathematical focus is on describing the location of an object in relation to its surroundings; identifying positional and directional/navigational words; following and giving simple directions; early experiences ...


The Mathscots: Toy Treasure Hunt

In this animated video, Abacus the cat follows clues to find her toy. Buster the puppy joins in on the fun of a toy treasure hunt. The mathematical focus is on describing the location of an object in relation to its surroundings; identifying positional and directional/navigational words; applying clues to solve a problem; ...


On, Over, Under, Beside - Calculate

This simple game helps students develop their understanding of positional language.


Guess where

Students describe the location of objects by indicating positions.


Position and location: Foundation – planning tool

This planning resource for Foundation is for the topic of Position and location. Students are becoming familiar with using common words for describing position and location of an object.


New shapes can be made by joining or partitioning existing shapes

This 2-week unit develops students' understanding of how new shapes can be made from existing shapes by exploring the attributes of shapes, and by using combination and partitioning. Students learn that: two-dimensional shapes can be made by joining and partitioning existing shapes; shapes have attributes that are necessary ...


Attributes can be used to sort objects

This 2-week unit develops the big idea that attributes can be used to sort objects. Students are provided opportunities to: combine and separate quantities; recognise and explain how a group of shapes has been sorted; describe two-dimensional spatial structures; organise objects into simple data displays and interpret these ...


Objects can be sorted and classified in different ways

This two-week unit develops student knowledge, understanding and skills with 2D shapes, 3D objects, volume, and internal volume (capacity). Students are provided opportunities to: name, describe and represent 2D shapes; explore familiar 3D objects by sorting, stacking, describing, and making representations; recognise that ...