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Mathematics / Year 1 / Measurement and Geometry / Using units of measurement

Curriculum content descriptions

Measure and compare the lengths and capacities of pairs of objects using uniform informal units (ACMMG019)

  • understanding that in order to compare objects, the unit of measurement must be the same size
General capabilities
  • Numeracy Numeracy
ScOT terms

Volume (Dimensions),  Length,  Informal units


Sites2See – measurement for primary

Selected links to a range of interactive and print resources for Measurement topics in K-6 Mathematics.


MathXplosion, Ep 24: Volumes and surface areas

Take two differently shaped containers, for example, a tall, skinny cylinder and a short wide one. Which one will hold more beads? The result may surprise you! It's all about capacity. Two containers with the same surface area can have very different shapes and sizes, so they can have different volumes and hold different ...


Treasure Map | Peg + Cat

Peg and Cat show how to measure when looking for buried treasure! See how they measure using informal units and solve problems along the way.


Count Us In, Ep 15: Which Container Holds More Magic Rocks?

Flynn and Dodly are going on a camping adventure. Watch how they measure the capacity of different containers. Which container will hold the most? 'Dodly the Adventurer' needs a container to put all his precious rocks in. Can you find a container big enough?


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies Years F–2 Sample assessment task: Stepping out worksheet

This PDF is a worksheet that accompanies the years F-2 sample assessment task called Stepping out.


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies Years F–2 Sample assessment task: Stepping out

This resource provides strategies for assessing aspects of the Digital Technologies subject in the Australian Curriculum that relate to data using contexts from other learning areas and General Capabilities, including Mathematics, Numeracy and Literacy. The resource includes an assessment planner and rubric, as well as ...


reSolve: Authentic Problems: Target Ball

This sequence of four lessons explores the relationship between an informal unit of measure and what is being measured using the context of designing a game of 'Target Ball'. Students work in groups to collect data on how far their chose ball rolls, using a cut-out foot as an informal unit of measure. They represent and ...


Objects can be sorted and classified in different ways

This two-week unit develops student knowledge, understanding and skills with 2D shapes, 3D objects, volume, and internal volume (capacity). Students are provided opportunities to: name, describe and represent 2D shapes; explore familiar 3D objects by sorting, stacking, describing, and making representations; recognise that ...


Coat-hanger Scales| Questacon

In this activity, students make balance scales from coat hangers and use them to compare the weights of familiar objects. The activity includes a list of what is required, suggestions of what to do and notice, questions to ask, an explanation for the underlying science of what students observe and suggestions for other ...


First steps in mathematics: Measurement – Book 1

The content of this book is organised into topics including understanding units, and direct measuring.


The Mathscots: Puppy Jump Photos

In this animated video, the puppies Prime and Poly compare the length of their jumps with Buster and Chance. Abacus the cat helps to work out which dog jumps the furthest. The mathematical focus is on comparing objects indirectly, by using a third object to determine which is longer; comparing lengths using informal units ...


The Mathscots: Level 1 Teaching Guide

This teaching guide provides a range of associated activities for each of the Mathscots episodes at Year 1. The guide contains a summary of the mathematical focus in each episode, a range of scaffolded learning experiences for before, during and after viewing each video, activities for families at home, and sets of printable ...


The Mathscots: Puppy School Photo Day

In this animated video, Buster compares the different heights of puppies and Prime uses ordinal numbers to identify the order of the dogs. The mathematical focus is on comparing objects directly, by placing one object against another to determine which is longer; using language associated with measurement attributes, such ...


First steps in mathematics: Measurement – Book 2

A guide to teaching about measurement including indirect measuring, and estimating.


Which tin?

Use this diagnostic task in the style of a one-on-one interview to assess a student's knowledge and understanding of an object's properties, and their use of comparative language.


Measurement: Foundation to Year 9

This comprehensive resource describes the progression of measurement ideas. The resource demonstrates examples of relevant teaching strategies, investigations, activity plans and connected concepts in measurement including teaching and cultural implications.


Desk through the doorway

Use this diagnostic task in the style of a one-on-one interview to assess a student's understanding and skills in comparing length.


Which lunchbox holds more?

Use this diagnostic task to assess what students know about volume and units to compare volumes.


First to finish

Compare algorithms designed to complete the same task, and evaluate each for efficiency.


Informal units: Year 1 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 1 is for the topic of Informal units. Students develop their understanding of uniform informal units to measure the length of objects.