Mathematics / Year 4 / Measurement and Geometry / Shape

Curriculum content descriptions

Compare the areas of regular and irregular shapes by informal means (ACMMG087)

  • comparing areas using metric units, such as counting the number of square centimetres required to cover two areas by overlaying the areas with a grid of centimetre squares
General capabilities
  • Numeracy Numeracy
ScOT terms

Area,  Irregular polygons


Exploring mysterious shapes

Join QuanQuan and Jenny as they explore some weird and wonderful shapes! While watching this clip, think about the sides, edges, surfaces and volumes of the shapes that are demonstrated. How are these shapes different from regular 2D and 3D forms?


Introduction to polygons

Try this tutorial to test your knowledge of polygons (straight-sided shapes).


Finding the area of compound shapes

Find the area of compound shapes based on rectangles on a grid. Explore how the formula works for finding a rectangle's area. First, estimate the area of a compound shape based on rectangles on a grid. Second, work out the correct formula for finding area by placing rows and columns of squares inside two rectangles. Then, ...


reSolve: Authentic Problems: Expanded Square

This sequence of four lessons explores concepts around informal area and symmetry. Students design an 'expanded square' where approximately half the area of the original square is flipped to the outside. The lessons provide opportunities for students to devise and use methods to informally measure area, record their mathematical ...


Sizing Them Up

This resource is a web page containing a short task to explore area of irregular shapes by informal means. Arrange irregular shapes in size order smallest to largest. This resource is an activity from the NRICH website.


Understanding relationships between the properties of 2D shapes helps visualise and organise spaces in the world Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 12

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that understanding relationships between the properties of 2D shapes helps visualise and organise spaces in the world. Students are provided opportunities to: combine and split common shapes; transform two-dimensional and composite figures by reflecting, translating, and rotating; ...


Understanding relationships between the properties of 2D shapes helps visualise and organise spaces in the world: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 12

This 2-week unit introduces the big idea that understanding relationships between the properties of 2D shapes helps visualise and organise spaces in the world.


Tiling problem

Use this diagnostic task to assess if students use an array structure when working out how many tiles fit in a rectangle.


Inquiry Prompt Ribbon Bow - Calculate

This open-ended task challenges students to carry out a mathematical investigation using a ribbon-bow as a stimulus. They are encouraged to develop their own research questions and investigate possible solutions using using mathematical problem solving and modelling strategies.


Make a measuring jug

Use this diagnostic task to assess a student's understanding of capacity and the calibrated scale on a measuring jug.


Leaf task

Use this diagnostic task to assess understanding of area and measuring the area of an irregular shape.


Area and perimeter: Year 4 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 4 is for the topic of Area and perimeter. Students estimate and measure perimeter and area using informal and formal units.


Area and perimeter video

Use this video to connect area and perimeter to real world applications to set the context for why we are learning about area and perimeter.


For the Juniors: Drawing a floor plan

How do we know what a house will look like before it is built? Discover how house plans work by looking at the design of a house that Hugo's family is going to build. See how a floor plan shows the room layout. See drawings of what the house will look like from different views.


Moon Goats (Geometric reasoning) - ABC Education

As a team, use your understanding of geometric reasoning to transform two-dimensional floor plans into three-dimensional pod houses. See how many unique houses you can build for the Moon Goats. Then, try the Budget Challenge to calculate the cost of different types of houses. Mathematical ideas and strategies this game ...


Sites2See – measurement for primary

Selected links to a range of interactive and print resources for Measurement topics in K-6 Mathematics.


Shapes and objects: Year 4 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 4 is for the topic of Shapes and objects. Students build on their knowledge of shape by combining and cutting 2D shapes.


Fun with fractals

Do you know how to recognise a fractal? Watch this video to find out! What are the examples given of fractals found in nature? Can you think of any others? Why not have a go at doing your own drawing of the Sierpinski Triangle?


Area explorer

This is an interactive resource about calculating the area of a shape presented on a grid. Students are presented with a random figure and are required to calculate its area, in square units. Immediate feedback is provided and the student can make repeated attempts if a question is not answered correctly. The additional ...


What is a fractal?

Do you know what a fractal is? Basically, fractals are never-ending patterns created by repeated mathematical equations. In this clip, Yuliya, a student at MIT (in the USA) describes the properties of fractals and shows you where they can be found in technology and nature. Have a good look at the world around you and see ...