Mathematics / Year 2 / Number and Algebra / Number and place value

Curriculum content descriptions

Recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least 1000 (ACMNA027)

  • recognising there are different ways of representing numbers and identifying patterns going beyond 100
  • developing fluency with writing numbers in meaningful contexts
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Numeracy Numeracy
ScOT terms

Number lines,  Positive integers,  Numerical order


Hundreds, tens and units

This is an interactive resource that represents numbers visually as groups of hundreds, tens and units. It can be used to count numbers by partitioning them based on place value, or to represent numbers by building them from grids of hundreds, tens and units. The numerals matching the visual representations can be visible ...


Number trains

Arrange train carriages according to numbers on their sides. The numbers are represented in a range of formats such as words, numerals, dice dots or counting frames. Identify the numbers that come before and after starting numbers. Begin with numbers up to ten. Move on to work with larger numbers such as 40 and 50. Practise ...


reSolve: Authentic Problems: What's For Lunch?

This sequence of four lessons invites students to investigate how many of a chosen food item are eaten at their school in a year. Students identify the mathematical knowledge they need to find how many of the selected items they eat in a year and devise a plan to find the total number, using grouping, partitioning and repeated ...


reSolve: Place Value Cards

This sequence of two lessons explores the multiplicative place value properties of numbers. Students learn to represent numbers up to 1000 as multiples of 100s, 10s and 1s. Students skip count according to random arrangements of place value cards and explore whether the order of the cards affects the totals. They then use ...


Collections of ten are really useful: K-2 Year A – Unit 1

Collections of ten are really useful – this unit develops student knowledge, understanding, and place value skills, and how attributes can be used to sort objects.


Smaller numbers can be found hiding in bigger numbers: K–2 Year A – Unit 4

Smaller numbers can be found hiding in bigger numbers – develops student knowledge, understanding and skills in using combinations of numbers.


Collections of objects can be changed: K–2 Year A – Unit 9

This two-week unit develops student knowledge, understanding, and skills of combining and separating quantities.


What needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement: K–2 Year A – Unit 8

This sample multi-age unit explores the big idea 'what needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement'.


Collections of ten are really useful: K–2 Year A – Unit 11

This sample unit provides further develops students' knowledge, understanding and skills of place value and number representation.


What needs to be measured determines the unit of measure: K–2 Year A – Unit 14

This two-week sample unit develops student knowledge, understanding and skills of measurement.


Data is collected to solve problems. Data can be organised in different ways: K–2 Year A – Unit 18

This two-week unit develops student knowledge, understanding and skills of data.


Today's Number - Calculate

This is an open task as it can cater for the needs of many students and can be used over and over to build confidence in representing numbers in different ways. In this activity students have an opportunity to engage with a variety of number ranges and are able to demonstrate their understandings of those numbers in many ways.


Place Value: Lolly Shop

This sequence of 6 tasks explores the mathematical idea of '10 of these is equal to one of those'. Students explore through the context of a Lolly Shop as Ms Fizz counts and packs the lollies that she sells. They work with their own lollies and explore different ways that they might pack them to make it easy to count. The ...


First steps in mathematics: Number – Book 1

The content of this book is organised into topics including understanding whole and decimal numbers, and understanding fractional numbers.


Operations: Foundation to Year 9

This comprehensive resource describes the progression of ideas that cover addition and subtraction of integers; multiplication and division of integers; the four operations with common and decimal fractions; and operation applications with percent, rate and ratio.


Number: Foundation to Year 9

This comprehensive resource describes the progression of number-related ideas showing the relationship to other curriculum strands. The resource demonstrates examples of relevant teaching strategies, investigations, activity plans and connected concepts in number including teaching and cultural implications.


First steps in mathematics: Number – Book 2

The content of this book is organised into topics including understanding operations, calculating, and reasoning about number patterns.


Number sequence: Year 2 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Number sequence. Students extend and deepen their knowledge of the number system. They work toward recognising, representing and ordering numbers from 0 up to at least 1,000.


Addition & Subtraction Year 2 - Calculate

The focus of this activity is to find out what students know about different addition strategies.


Sites2See – measurement for primary

Selected links to a range of interactive and print resources for Measurement topics in K-6 Mathematics.