Mathematics / Year 2 / Number and Algebra / Money and financial mathematics

Curriculum content descriptions

Count and order small collections of Australian coins and notes according to their value (ACMNA034)

  • identifying equivalent values in collections of coins or notes, such as two five-cent coins having the same value as one 10-cent coin
  • counting collections of coins or notes to make up a particular value, such as that shown on a price tag
General capabilities
  • Numeracy Numeracy
ScOT terms



Royal Australian Mint Classroom Resources

This teaching and learning unit of work explores Australian coin currencies. Students learn to recognise, describe and order coins according to their values and experiment with counting small coin collections. These activity sheets and resources can be used individually, together, or as part of prepared lessons. Some of ...


Pay the price

This activity gives students practice in identifying the value of coins and notes. It also reinforces the concept of exchanging money for goods. The different levels all use a shopping context and the same basic functionality. Each level takes approximately 15 minutes.


Money match

Match Australian money cards. Choose from four levels matching coins (6 cards), matching coins (12 cards), Matching coins and notes or matching values.


Mixed Up Maths, Ep 11: Funny money

What do you use money to buy? In this clip we look at Australian money. See the different coins and notes that make up our money system. We investigate if size, (in coins) does matter. Check out how many 5 cent pieces you need to make two dollars. We also look at some currencies used around the world. Find out which country ...


Show me your money - years 1 and 2

This is a teacher resource consisting of a set of student activities designed to encourage learning about the appearance and value of money, accompanied by copy masters and a detailed teacher guide for each activity. The activities make use of Australian coins and notes, and also Japanese and Singaporean coins, and include ...


Australian coin history

This interactive slideshow from the Royal Australian Mint provides a series of high resolution images and brief descriptions of currencies from Indigenous barter systems to modern Australian currency. A downloadable fact sheet on Australian coin history is accessible from selected pages within the slideshow.


Measurement: Foundation to Year 9

This comprehensive resource describes the progression of measurement ideas. The resource demonstrates examples of relevant teaching strategies, investigations, activity plans and connected concepts in measurement including teaching and cultural implications.


Mathematical modelling: Year 2 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Mathematical modelling. Students use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving additive and multiplicative situations, including money transactions; represent situations and choose calculation strategies; interpret and communicate solutions in terms ...


Royal Australian Mint: learning

This website provides a range of resources and activities and activities for students and teachers about the history of Australian currency, the minting process and Australia's decimal currency. Of note is an interactive slideshow with high resolution images of currencies from Indigenous barter systems to modern Australian ...


Decimal currency

This interactive slideshow from the Royal Australian Mint provides a series of high resolution images and brief descriptions of the transition from pre-decimal to decimal currency in Australia.


Understanding Australian coins

This lesson is about Australian coins, their features, and their value. During the lesson, students explore what Australian coins look like, their value and their purpose. They identify and describe the features and value of Australian coins and make simple calculations using coins.


Teaching consumer and financial literacy

This web page offers teachers a variety of resources to help them plan for embedding financial literacy topics across the curriculum. The page covers how to gauge students' financial literacy, how to plan to include financial literacy in meaningful ways and many other resources and support.


Teaching kids about money

This web page is about how to talk to your child about money, encourage them to save, make a budget and much more. This page is designed to help you have conversations with children about how money is earned, needs versus wants, how money is spent, earning pocket money and making decisions about how many is spent or saved.