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Mathematics / Year 3 / Number and Algebra / Number and place value

Curriculum content descriptions

Recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and related division facts (ACMNA056)

  • establishing multiplication facts using number sequences
General capabilities
  • Numeracy Numeracy
ScOT terms

Division,  Multiplication tables


reSolve: Multiplication - Domino Arrays

This sequence of two lessons explores multiplicative thinking through the use of arrays where all the parts of the array are not visible. The sequence encourages students to find the total number of items in an array by multiplication rather than counting by ones or skip counting. Connections between area, arrays and multiplication ...


Multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 13

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations. Students are provided opportunities to: select and apply strategies to solve problems involving multiplication and division with whole numbers; investigate ...


Understanding relationships between the properties of 2D shapes helps visualise and organise spaces in the world Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 12

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that understanding relationships between the properties of 2D shapes helps visualise and organise spaces in the world. Students are provided opportunities to: combine and split common shapes; transform two-dimensional and composite figures by reflecting, translating, and rotating; ...


The number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 11

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that the number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers. Students are provided opportunities to: recognise, represent, order and partition large numbers; apply place value knowledge to recognise, name and order decimals; make connections between benchmark ...


Multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 7

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations. Students are provided opportunities to: identify, describe and apply multiplicative patterns; develop, consolidate and apply derived strategies for multiplication ...


The number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 1

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that our number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers. Students are provided opportunities to: partition, represent and order larger numbers; apply place value to recognise, regroup and order whole and decimal numbers; explore the link between multiplicative ...


Disco Goats (Array models for multiplication and division) - ABC Education

As a team, use your knowledge of arrays and multiplication and division facts to get the bunnies into formation. Mathematical ideas and strategies this game supports: using arrays to find the factors of whole numbers between 10 and 100; identifying the factors of composite numbers and prime numbers; using multiplication ...


Goat Busters (Area model for multiplication) - ABC Education

As a team use the area model and mathematical thinking to find the answer to tricky calculations. Mathematical ideas and strategies this game supports: area model for multiplication; 1 x 2-digit multiplication; 2 x 2-digit multiplication; identifying factors; partial products; distributive property; place value partitioning ...


Goat Crashers (Mental calculations with unconditional probability) - ABC Education

Using your knowledge of different operations, join the Pig Posse to help kick them out before they eat everything. Or join the goats and move on in! Mathematical ideas and strategies this game supports: addition and subtraction with 1–30; multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10; dividing by 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10.


The number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 1

This unit develops the big idea that our number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers.


Multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 13

This multi-age unit develops the big idea that multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations.


Understanding relationships between the properties of 2D shapes helps visualise and organise spaces in the world: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 12

This 2-week unit introduces the big idea that understanding relationships between the properties of 2D shapes helps visualise and organise spaces in the world.


Multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 7

This 2-week unit develops the big idea that multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations.


Cuisenaire Rods Lesson Plan - Calculate

This lessons explores the use of Cuisenaire rods and uses play to introduce them to students.


Multiplication Facts - Calculate

This resources describes some games and activities that can be used to help students learn the multiplication facts (or times tables) up to 10 × 10.


Multiplication: reSolve Market

This sequence of 8 tasks builds the mathematical ideas idea of multiplication as ‘how many groups’ and ‘how much in each group’. Students learn that ‘how many groups’ and ‘how much in each group’ is represented in the array, where rows and columns represent factors that can be multiplied to find the product. Through the ...


The Array Game - Calculate

The purpose of this game is for students to construct arrays and to describe them in words and numbers.


Work sample Year 3 Mathematics: Ways to make 18

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 3 Mathematics. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation ...


Patterns and number facts: Year 3 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 3 is for the topic of Patterns and number facts. Students extend and apply knowledge of number facts to 20 for addition and subtraction and extend to larger numbers. They demonstrate proficiency with multiplication facts for 3, 4, 5, and 10 and further develop their knowledge of related division ...


Fractions represent multiple ideas and can be represented in different ways Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 4

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that fractions represent multiple ideas and can be represented in different ways. Students are provided opportunities to: partition, measure, label and compare lengths and wholes using fractions; solve problems with fractions; represent and compare fractions of measures and quantities; ...