Mathematics / Year 5 / Number and Algebra / Number and place value

Curriculum content descriptions

Solve problems involving division by a one digit number, including those that result in a remainder (ACMNA101)

  • using the fact that equivalent division calculations result if both numbers are divided by the same factor
  • interpreting and representing the remainder in division calculations sensibly for the context
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Division,  Mental arithmetic


Divide it up: grouping tool

Use a dividing tool to make equal shares of stationery such as pens, pencils or crayons. Complete a sentence describing a number operation. For example, pack 24 crayons into packets of 5. Predict how many packets are needed and identify how many items are left over.


Divide it up: puppies

Use a dividing tool to make equal shares of biscuits and toys in a pet shop. For example, share 34 biscuits equally between 6 puppies. Predict how many items each puppy will get, or how many packets can be filled. Check your prediction. Decide what to do with any leftovers. Complete a sentence describing the number operations.


The number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 11

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that the number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers. Students are provided opportunities to: recognise, represent, order and partition large numbers; apply place value knowledge to recognise, name and order decimals; make connections between benchmark ...


Multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 13

This multi-age unit develops the big idea that multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations.


Multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 7

This 2-week unit develops the big idea that multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations.


'Mission to Mars' - An AMSI Schools 'Rich Task' in Number & Place Value - Calculate

This task aims provide a rich, contextual activity through which students can gain an understanding of the distances relevant to the size of our solar system, and how an understanding of place value, metric measurement systems and time measurement can be used to represent these large distances and convert calculations ...


Money Year 5 & 6 - Calculate

The focus of this activity to challenge students to apply their knowledge of the four operations to solve a problem involving money. Students also need to demonstrate their ability to explain using evidence which option is the best.


Efficient strategies: Year 5 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 5 is for the topic of Efficient strategies. Students use efficient ways to multiply and divide numbers using increasingly sophisticated strategies. They develop flexible strategies to solve multiplication facts and related division facts and consolidate automatic recall. They identify and ...


Fractions represent multiple ideas and can be represented in different ways Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 4

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that fractions represent multiple ideas and can be represented in different ways. Students are provided opportunities to: partition, measure, label and compare lengths and wholes using fractions; solve problems with fractions; represent and compare fractions of measures and quantities; ...


Multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 13

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations. Students are provided opportunities to: select and apply strategies to solve problems involving multiplication and division with whole numbers; investigate ...


Multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 7

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations. Students are provided opportunities to: identify, describe and apply multiplicative patterns; develop, consolidate and apply derived strategies for multiplication ...


Home energy use

Reducing carbon dioxide emissions and sustainable energy use and are two of the major issues facing the world today. This project explores energy use in homes, and compares individual energy use with the class average and calculate and graph CO2 emissions.


Addition and subtraction problems can be solved using a variety of strategies: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 15

This multi-age unit introduces the big idea that addition and subtraction problems can be solved using a variety of strategies.


Addition and subtraction problems can be solved using a variety of strategies: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 2

This unit introduces the big idea that addition and subtraction problems can be solved by using a variety of strategies.


The Power of Ten - Calculate

This activity aims to improve student fluency in mentally multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.


Pass The Count - Calculate

This game allows students to practice their skip counting skills in small groups.


Factors and Multiples - Calculate

These games and activities require children to identify factors and multiples to help children become more familiar with these terms. This understanding will support children’s ability to solve problems, including knowing how to add fractions with different denominators.


Estimation and Rounding - Calculate

These activities focus on developing skills in estimation and rounding. Estimation can help children to make reasonable guesses at solutions and check the accuracy of their calculations.


Subtraction Strategies - Calculate

This game gives students opportunities to practice subtraction skills and to learn subtraction strategies, including the jump strategy, the split (or partition) strategy, compensation and the count-up to strategy (sometimes called the Shopkeeper’s method).


First steps in mathematics: Number – Book 2

The content of this book is organised into topics including understanding operations, calculating, and reasoning about number patterns.