Mathematics / Year 5 / Number and Algebra / Money and financial mathematics

Curriculum content descriptions

Create simple financial plans (ACMNA106)

  • creating a simple budget for a class fundraising event
  • identifying the GST component of invoices and receipts
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms



BTN: What is the GST?

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a tax placed on things people buy with money or things people do for money. Can you name some goods and services that have GST? What about some goods and services that don't have GST? Find out when and why the GST was first introduced.


Welcome to Victoria

In this learning sequence, students undertake research in order to create tour packs for families visiting Victoria. Students use public transport and tourism websites to develop itineraries outlining ways in which families can visit at least two places of interest using public transport. The packs include: information ...


Mixed Up Maths, Ep 12: Super Cyril's circus supplies

Do you know how to draw up a budget? Find out how it's done. In our example our host is throwing a circus party and has $100 to spend. See how he plans to spend the money. Throw in a few discounts of 10% and 50% and look what he can afford. Does he mange to stick to his budget?


Fish market: explore trading

Buy and sell fish in trading markets in a range of Australian and New Zealand cities. Compare market prices, supply and demand. Explore a range of traders to find the best deals and open up new markets. Find a rare fish. Maximise your profit and reputation as a smart trader. This learning object is the first in a series ...


Design and Make a Financial Plan for a Market Garden

This is a teacher guide providing suggestions for Maths activities based on designing a sustainable market garden and developing a budget for creating and maintaining the market garden as a profitable enterprise. It highlights the need for researching factors such as crop growing conditions and sales potential, and provides ...


Addition and subtraction problems can be solved using a variety of strategies: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 15

This multi-age unit introduces the big idea that addition and subtraction problems can be solved using a variety of strategies.


Café Fractions - Calculate

In this task, students take the role of the owner of a cake wholesaler, baking and supplying cakes to local café businesses. As café owners order their weekly cakes by the slice, students are required to add unit fractions together to calculate total cake orders. They then solve problems associated with subtracting fractional ...


Event Planner - Calculate

This investigative project gives students the experience of being a professional ‘event planner’, by organising a special event such as a wedding reception, farewell or special birthday party. Students are asked to prepare a comprehensive plan that outlines a floor and seating plan, a fully costed menu, a monetary quote ...


Inquiry Prompt Ribbon Bow - Calculate

This open-ended task challenges students to carry out a mathematical investigation using a ribbon-bow as a stimulus. They are encouraged to develop their own research questions and investigate possible solutions using using mathematical problem solving and modelling strategies.


'Mission to Mars' - An AMSI Schools 'Rich Task' in Number & Place Value - Calculate

This task aims provide a rich, contextual activity through which students can gain an understanding of the distances relevant to the size of our solar system, and how an understanding of place value, metric measurement systems and time measurement can be used to represent these large distances and convert calculations ...


Reasoning Year 5 - Calculate

The focus of this activity is for students to recognise the relationship between the dimensions of a square or rectangle and the perimeter and area of these shapes. Students will need to use a systematic approach to show that they have found all the possible solutions.


Money Year 5 & 6 - Calculate

The focus of this activity to challenge students to apply their knowledge of the four operations to solve a problem involving money. Students also need to demonstrate their ability to explain using evidence which option is the best.


Beeswax wrap project

This project creates opportunities for students to design, create, market and sell a plastic wrap alternative, and to work with a local business or community group that supplies some materials. This lesson was devised by Trudy Ward, Clarendon Vale Primary School, Tasmania.


Creating my own spreadsheet to convert binary to decimal

A spreadsheet can be used to do calculations quickly using formulas. How can we make a spreadsheet that converts a binary number to a decimal number? This lesson provides some guidance and Excel files for student and teacher use.


Owning a pet

This lesson asks students to explore statistics about pet ownership in Australia and the cost of buying and maintaining a pet. During the activities, students are asked to gather and compare data about pets in Australia using trusted information sources such as the RSPCA. They go on to consider the costs and benefits of ...


Paying It Forward Years 5-6

This is a cross-curricular unit about the values that underpin Australia’s democracy, the freedoms they enjoy and their role and the role of the government as duty bearers of rights. Students learn to appreciate the role of volunteers and Australia’s three levels of government in supporting the community. Students will ...


Paying It Forward

This resource is a cross-curricular suite of units for Years F-6. The units develop understanding of tax and superannuation while focusing on understanding civic values and the financial wellbeing of students. There are three units, one each for F-2, 3-4 and 5-6 classrooms. They include downloadable materials, links to ...


Teaching kids about money

This web page is about how to talk to your child about money, encourage them to save, make a budget and much more. This page is designed to help you have conversations with children about how money is earned, needs versus wants, how money is spent, earning pocket money and making decisions about how many is spent or saved.