Mathematics / Year 7 / Number and Algebra / Patterns and algebra

Curriculum content descriptions

Introduce the concept of variables as a way of representing numbers using letters (ACMNA175)

  • understanding that arithmetic laws are powerful ways of describing and simplifying calculations and that using these laws leads to the generality of algebra
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms



Squirt: three containers

Examine the relationships between capacities of various containers. Look at three containers that may have different diameters, heights and shapes. Fill a container and squirt liquids between the containers to establish the proportional relationship. Work out the third 'unlinked' relationship from two known relationships. ...


MathXplosion, Ep 22: How to communicate numbers with Roman numerals

Explore an alternative way to communicate numbers using the anchor numbers 5 and 10 and the ancient Roman counting system based on letters. Roman numerals were used throughout Europe well into the middle ages and still appear in the names of monarchs, the production year of films, on buildings and on timepieces.


Patterns, primes and Pascal's Triangle

Are you intrigued by patterns? Check out Vi Hart as she explains how to visualise patterns in prime numbers, using Ulam's Spiral. Watch as Vi creates patterns, using Pascal's Triangle to explore relationships in number. See what happens when she circles the odd numbers. What rule does she use to create the final pattern?


Introduction to algebra

This is a website designed for both teachers and students that addresses the introduction of algebra. It is particularly relevant for introducing the idea of the use of a variable as a way of representing numbers. There are pages for both teachers and students. The student pages contain interactive questions for students ...


reSolve: Algebra - Prisms and pyramids

This lesson engages students in investigating the relationship between the number of faces, edges and vertices of pyramids and prisms. Students construct their own 3D shapes, systematically record the properties of the shape and develop an algebraic formula to generalise the relationships discovered. The lesson is outlined ...


Sphero slalom lesson

In this lesson students explore slalom sports and how competitors maximise speed when completing a course. Students research different slalom sports and then share their findings with the class. Students investigate the impact of distance and friction on time to complete a course through digital and unplugged activities. ...


7A01A Algebra - Ochre Education

This eight lesson unit of work focuses on algebra. Students use pronumerals and variables to generalise expressions, explore substitution of pronumerals, write and interpret algebraic expressions in words and apply numerical and algebraic operations to pronumerals and expressions. The unit includes a slide show for structuring ...


7A02A Equations - Ochre Education

This seven lesson unit of work focuses on equations. Students write algebraic equations from worded descriptions and identify solutions by inspection using addition and multiplication facts, apply numerical and arithmetic operations to numerical and algebraic equations, solve and verify solutions to equations, describe ...


Algebra Tiles: Learning Sequence - Calculate

The following is a suggested teaching and learning sequence for using Algebra Tiles.


Use variables: Year 7 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 7 is for the topic of Use variables. Students students recognise pronumerals and variables in formulas they have been exposed to. They are presented real-life scenarios and explore the relationship between variables using algebraic notation as a representation.


The Geometry and Algebra of Honeycomb - Calculate

This integrated unit of work explores the amazing structures of honeycomb by examining the properties of regular and irregular polygons and polyhedra. Students then move on to solve problems using geometric and algebraic reasoning.


Representing Patterns (Year 7) - Calculate

Patterns can be represented in several ways and this unit will explore five different representations.


Representing Patterns - Calculate

In this activity, students examine the representation of patterns, including as diagrams, charts and formulas.


The wide wide world of sports betting

This lesson explores the difference between perfectly predictable events (like the roll of a die) and less certain events (such as sports). Students investigate mathematically how sports bookmakers create odds to guarantee themselves a profit and pay gamblers less for a win than they deserve. The lesson is outlined in ...


Algebra: Foundation to Year 9

This comprehensive resource describes the progression of algebra-related ideas and algebraic thinking. The resource demonstrates examples of relevant teaching strategies, investigations, activity plans and connected concepts in algebra including teaching and cultural implications.


Expressions, formulas and substitution

In the lesson ‘Formulating algebraic expressions’, students were introduced to variables and forming algebraic expressions. In this lesson, students continue to develop these skills and will explore substituting values into familiar and unfamiliar formulas to determine an unknown. Students explore substitution in a range ...


Formulating algebraic expressions

This lesson encompasses students’ introduction to formal algebraic concepts. Students will be introduced to the concept of variables and will explore the construction of algebraic expressions using concrete materials. Students explore a range of authentic contexts and hands-on materials in this lesson to ensure their initial ...


Algebra basics video

Use this video as a springboard to introduce algebraic thinking, and to apply that thinking to a financial context, drawing on reasoning.