Mathematics / Year 8 / Number and Algebra / Number and place value

Curriculum content descriptions

Use index notation with numbers to establish the index laws with positive integral indices and the zero index (ACMNA182)

  • evaluating numbers expressed as powers of positive integers
General capabilities
  • Numeracy Numeracy
ScOT terms

Zero index,  Positive indices


Catalyst: Graham's number

If you were asked what the biggest number you can think of is, what would you say? Infinity? Well, what about the biggest finite number you can think of? Mathematician Ron Graham came across such a gigantic number in his research that, to capture its massive size, he and his colleagues needed to come up with new methods ...



This is a website designed for both teachers and students that addresses indices from the Australian Curriculum for year 8 students. It contains material on using index notation. There are pages for both teachers and students. The student pages contain interactive questions for students to check their progress in the topics.


8N05A Exponent laws - Ochre Education

This six lesson unit of work focuses on exponent laws. Students multiply and divide numbers in exponent form, raise powers to another exponent, use the zero exponent, apply combinations of exponent laws and use the distributive law with numbers in exponent form. The unit includes a slide show for structuring presentation ...


Factors, multiples, primes: Year 8 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Factors and multiples. Students extend the exponent laws of numerical calculations involving positive integers and zero exponents, and solve a broad range of practical problems, using mental methods, written algorithms, and digital tools.


Mystery man Pythagoras meets his match

What do you know about Pythagoras? Join Vi Hart as she not only explains his theorem but raises some legends about his dark past! Follow Vi's timeline of famous mathematicians to find out in which century Pythagoras lived. See how Vi shows a proof of his theorem and raises what was a big dilemma for Pythagoras: the irrational ...


TIMES Module 22: Measurement and Geometry: scale drawings and similarity - teacher guide

This is a 41-page guide for teachers. It contains an introduction to scale drawings and similarity, and in particular the tests for triangles to be considered similar. Applications of similarity are included throughout the module.


The maths behind RGB images

In this lesson, students explore the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) colour model commonly used in digital imaging and display systems. They learn how each colour in the RGB model is represented by 8 bits and understand why there are 256 color intensities for each channel. Students will represent the 8 bits using their mathematical ...


8N02A Rational numbers - Ochre Education

This unit of work focuses on rational numbers. Students define and write recurring non-terminating decimals using dot and vinculum notations; identify fractions that will have terminating or recurring non-terminating decimal expansions using the prime factorisation of the denominator in simplified form; convert between ...


8N01A Integers - Ochre Education

This unit of work focuses on integers. Students add and subtract integers; establish multiplication and division of integers and build to raising to positive integer powers, square roots and cube roots; evaluate expressions involving combinations of operations and the use of brackets, fraction bars, and vinculums and consideration ...


8N04A Irrational numbers - Ochre Education

This unit of work focuses on irrational numbers. Students define, recognise, and approximate real and irrational numbers, including π and square and cube roots of non-perfect square and cube numbers; add and subtract, multiply and divide, raise to positive integer powers and the 0th power, square root and cube root irrational ...


When I post something online how permanent is it?

Students engage in a photo rip up activity to emphasize the permanency of online information, they explore factor trees, doubling and line graphs through the lens of sharing information, and they collaboratively develop a set of protocols around sharing information online.


TIMES Module 32: Number and Algebra: fractions and the index laws in algebra - teacher guide

This is a 24-page guide for teachers. This module extends the use of pronumerals to include algebraic fractions. It includes substitution, adding like terms, the use of brackets and multiplying terms, the use of algebra to describe number patterns and extending the use of the index laws. Algebraic notation is discussed.


MathXplosion, Ep 7: The power of exponents

Have you heard of the term "exponential growth"? Growth can occur very quickly when powers are involved. See how you can use the power of two to rapidly increase the amount of anything from grain to coins!


Investigating irrational numbers including pi

This is a website designed for both teachers and students that refers to irrational numbers including pi from the Australian Curriculum for year 8 students. It contains material on the real number system and explains how irrational numbers were introduced historically to this system. Information on constructing rational ...


Secondary mathematics: using real data

These seven learning activities, which focus on the use of 'real data' using a variety of tools (software) and devices (hardware), illustrate the ways in which content, pedagogy and technology can be successfully and effectively integrated in order to promote learning. In the activities, teachers use the three content strands ...