Mathematics / Year 9 / Number and Algebra / Money and financial mathematics

Curriculum content descriptions

Solve problems involving simple interest (ACMNA211)

  • understanding that financial decisions can be assisted by mathematical calculations
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Simple interest


My Five Cents: Why investing can be risky

Planning to get rich quick by investing one day? Before you jump in, let Gen Fricker explain some of the risks involved with different types of investments. Then test yourself with ASIC MoneySmart's "Things to think about" classroom exercises.  


My Five Cents: What is compound interest?

Compound interest will be one of the most important things you ever learn. Don't believe it? Gen Fricker will explain why. Learn how compound interest works, and why saving now can help you later. Game changer! Then test yourself with ASIC MoneySmart's "Things to think about" classroom exercises.


My Five Cents: Why borrowing can cost you more

Think credit cards are basically free money? Gen Fricker will make you think again. Learn how interest rates and fees affect the money you borrow, and why they may be more expensive in the long run. Oh dear! Then test yourself with ASIC MoneySmart's "Things to think about" classroom exercises.  


Laptop wrap: Investing wisely

In this laptop-friendly resource, students investigate unit pricing and explore the formulae and concepts of simple and compound interest.


Simple interest

This is a website designed for both teachers and students that addresses simple interest from the Australian Curriculum for year 9 students. It contains material on calculating simple interest. There are pages for both teachers and students. The student pages contain interactive questions for students to check their progress ...


Moving out of home

This lesson explores costs and responsibilities associated with moving out of home and setting up living arrangements. The resource is part of a suite of lesson plans and activities from MoneySmart, designed to bring everyday financial topics into the classroom.


Perfect pricing

In this lesson, students are hotel managers conducting a statistical investigation to help them decide on a model for the perfect pricing structure for a new hotel/holiday resort.


Different ways to pay

This lesson challenges students to explore the pros and cons of various payment options, how they spend their money, different consumer products and where to go for more information about saving money and debt. During the lesson, students investigate multiple payment options to choose those that suit their circumstances, ...


Tax, Super + You

Tax, Super + You is designed to provide teachers and parents with practical resources to help students in Years 7-12 understand the value of tax and superannuation, and have confidence when entering the workforce. Registration for a free account is required to access the full suite of materials.


TIMES Module 22: Number and Algebra: consumer arithmetic - teacher guide

This is a 23-page guide for teachers, providing an introduction to the financial mathematics component of the number and algebra strands for years 9 and 10. A brief history of the concept of money concludes the module.