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Mathematics / Year 10 / Number and Algebra / Linear and non-linear relationships

Curriculum content descriptions

Solve linear equations involving simple algebraic fractions (ACMNA240)

  • solving a wide range of linear equations, including those involving one or two simple algebraic fractions, and checking solutions by substitution
  • representing word problems, including those involving fractions, as equations and solving them to answer the question
General capabilities
  • Numeracy Numeracy
ScOT terms

Simple fractions,  Linear equations,  Algebraic terms


Secondary mathematics: different representations

These seven learning activities, which focus on 'representations' using a variety of tools (software) and devices (hardware), illustrate the ways in which content, pedagogy and technology can be successfully and effectively integrated in order to promote learning. In the activities, teachers use different representations ...


Laptop wrap: Expanding on algebra

Students make a presentation on the index laws, investigate the visual representation of the binomial expansions and design an acronym to help recall the special products.


TIMES Module 34: Number and Algebra: quadratic equations - teacher guide

This is a 19-page guide for teachers. It introduces quadratic equations and methods for solving them.


TIMES Module 8: Statistics and Probability: data investigation and interpretation, year 10 - teacher guide

This is a 29-page guide for teachers. Box plots are introduced as another graphical tool and are used for comparisons of data. Scatter plots are used to explore relationships between quantitative (usually continuous) variables.


TIMES Module 33: Number and Algebra: factorisation - teacher guide

This is a 17-page guide for teachers. It continues the discussion of factorisation. In particular, the techniques for the factorisation of quadratic expressions are presented.


Algebra four

This is an interactive game for two students in which they solve algebraic equations, similar to 'Connect four'. The players can choose from problems that are one- or two-step, quadratic, have distributive properties or have variables on both sides, and more than one problem type can be chosen. The length of time each player ...


Catalyst: Graham's number

If you were asked what the biggest number you can think of is, what would you say? Infinity? Well, what about the biggest finite number you can think of? Mathematician Ron Graham came across such a gigantic number in his research that, to capture its massive size, he and his colleagues needed to come up with new methods ...


Factorising Quadratics and Solving - Calculate

This activity explores the properties of the family of functions and their graphs known as parabolas. The unit includes an AMSI Interactive online module, a range of other AMSI Schools and external links and video tutorials and some extension or enrichment ideas to take their understanding further. A short quiz at the end ...


Work sample Year 10 Mathematics: Mathematics assignment

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 10 Mathematics. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation ...


Linear Relationships (and how Maths can help you choose a great car) - Calculate

The activity has students collecting their own information from a well-known Australia car buying website and using this to find an estimated relationship between the ‘asking price’ for a used car and the distance it has traveled in kilometres.


Voronoi Diagrams - Calculate

This unit of work explores coordinate geometry in the context of Voronoi diagrams. Students use linear coordinate geometry to construct Voronoi diagrams by finding the gradient of a line segment, then finding the midpoint, a perpendicular line and finally the perpendicular bisector.


Solving Linear Equations - Calculate

This unit of work focuses on solving linear equations. It includes an AMSI Interactive online module, a range of other AMSI Schools and external links and video tutorials and some extension or enrichment ideas. A short quiz at the end of the AMSI Interactive will help students to test their understanding at the completion ...


Lucky lottery

In this lesson, students play a simple lottery game, analyse their odds of winning and how this influences the decisions they made. Students determine the differences between experimental and mathematical probability, conduct a simulation modelling an event and critically evaluate the odds of winning the lottery. The lesson ...


Patterns and number facts: Year 10 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 10 is for the topic of Patterns and number facts. Students work with a variety of functions and relations and their rules, tables of values and graphs using digital tools. Students manipulate, explore, investigate, make conjectures and identify emerging patterns from functions and relations. ...


Formulate and manipulate expressions: Year 10 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 10 is for the topic of Formulate and manipulate expressions. Students extend the distributive law to expanding the product of two binomials (ax + b)(cx + d) and the factorisation of non-monic quadratic expressions with integer coefficients. Students practise algebraic manipulation involving ...


Mathematical modelling (Algebra): Year 10 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 10 is for the topic of Mathematical modelling. Students apply linear, quadratic and exponential functions to modelling contexts and outline reasons for selecting a particular model. They use tables of values to look for patterns in data, recognising that linear functions have constant first ...


Linear expressions and equations: Year 10 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 10 is for the topic of Linear expressions and equations. Students have developed confidence from their prior learning to algebraically solve linear equations of the form ax + b = c and can represent the solution graphically. They extend this to solving pairs of simultaneous linear equations ...


What are pixels?

Meet Kevin Systrom and Piper Hanson as they explain how digital images work. What are pixels, those tiny dots of light, made from? How are colours created and represented? What does Kevin say about the way mathematical functions are used to create different image filters. What is the difference between image resolution ...


My Five Cents: Why borrowing can cost you more

Think credit cards are basically free money? Gen Fricker will make you think again. Learn how interest rates and fees affect the money you borrow, and why they may be more expensive in the long run. Oh dear! Then test yourself with ASIC MoneySmart's "Things to think about" classroom exercises.  


How does income tax work?

Gen Fricker makes income tax interesting! Learn about income tax - what it is, how it works and when you have to pay it. Easy-peasy! Then test yourself with ASIC Moneysmart's "Things to think about" classroom exercises.