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Mathematics / Year 2 / Statistics and Probability / Data representation and interpretation

Curriculum content descriptions

Create displays of data using lists, table and picture graphs and interpret them (ACMSP050)

  • creating picture graphs to represent data using one-to-one correspondence
  • comparing the usefulness of different data displays
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Tables (Data),  Picture graphs,  Lists,  Tallies


MathXplosion, Ep 20: Crack an ancient Roman code

Decrypt the ancient cipher box used by Julius Caesar over 2,000 years ago! By shifting the alphabet or replacing one letter for another further down the alphabetical sequence, you can crack a coded message. The secret to a cipher is one special piece of shared information, known as a key. This shared key is required for ...


Data detective

In this sequence of lessons students conduct a simple survey to collect, organise and present data. In doing so, they demonstrate their understanding of how to use patterns to represent data symbolically.


How many birds?

Follow three young bird watchers as they count how many birds they can find outside. They count how many bird types they see and then record their observations in a table.


Clean-up time

This stop motion animation teaches sorting and graphing skills while cleaning up a messy room. Objects are sorted by color, type, and shape. The results are then grouped to find out which toys they have the most, least, and an equal number of.


Peg + Cat: Sort the recycling

Peg, Cat and her neighbour Lady Viv sort and recycle junk left behind in the field. Not only does this clip show how important recycling is it also can be used to discuss organising information and graphing.


reSolve: What a Load of Rubbish

In this series of three lessons, students conduct an audit of the rubbish they find in their playground. They use a range of categories to sort, display and interpret the data and make simple inferences. They then reclassify the rubbish collected as to whether it can be recycled, composted or if it needs to go into the ...


Collections of ten are really useful: K–2 Year B – Unit 1

This two-week unit introduces students to the big idea that collections of 10 are useful.


Patterns have something that repeats over and over and over again: K–2 Year B – Unit 2

This two-week unit provides opportunity for students to further develop knowledge, understanding, and skills of two-dimensional shapes and their attributes and properties.


Data helps describe and wonder about the world: K–2 Year B – Unit 7

This sample multi-stage unit continues to explore the big idea 'data helps describe and wonder about the world'.


Collections of objects can be changed by adding more (combining) or taking some away (separating): K–2 Year B – Unit 9

This unit develops understanding and skills of forming groups and combining and separating.


Patterns have something that repeats over and over and over again: K–2 Year B – Unit 12

This sample multi-age unit develops student knowledge, skills and understanding about repeating patterns, arrays and different ways to present and communicate about data.


Data is collected to solve problems: K–2 Year B – Unit 18

This two-week unit develops student understanding of data and chance, and their interconnectedness. Students are provided opportunities to: investigate topics of interest by choosing suitable questions to collect, display and interpret relevant data; identify misleading data; learn the names and order of days of the week; ...


Coin Toss - Calculate

The focus of this activity is for students to conduct an experiment that involves chance.They will use the information they gather to represent their findings.


What needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement: K-2 Year A – Unit 3

What needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement– this unit introduces students to measurement using direct and indirect comparison.


Data is collected to solve problems. Data can be organised in different ways: K–2 Year A – Unit 18

This two-week unit develops student knowledge, understanding and skills of data.


Patterns Year 2 - Calculate

The focus of this activity is on patterns and algorithmic thinking. The lesson aims to encourage students to explore problems with limited assistance from the teacher. Although the teacher asks questions and can prompt learning, the students will investigate the problem using their own strategies.


Today’s traffic tale

Students collect simple data from opportunities to observe events and display it in a picture graph.



Students collect simple data from questions asked and display simple data in a picture graph or column graph.


Acquire, record and represent data: Year 2 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Acquire, record and represent data. Students review, consolidate and extend upon existing data understandings and skills. They collect data through surveys, observations and experiments. They explore and create different graphical representations of the data acquired. ...


Paying It Forward Years F-2

This resource is a cross-curricular unit about choice, values and saving or spending money based on needs and wants. The unit develops understanding of Australian money including notes and coins, recognising that money can be saved to meet needs and wants, and how money is exchanged in return for goods and services. The ...