Mathematics / Year 8 / Statistics and Probability / Data representation and interpretation

Curriculum content descriptions

Investigate techniques for collecting data, including census, sampling and observation (ACMSP284)

  • identifying situations where data can be collected by census and those where a sample is appropriate
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Numeracy Numeracy
ScOT terms

Data collection


Can you guess the weight of Uluru?

What is the "wisdom of a crowd"? Mathematician Lily Serna investigates a mathematical phenomenon that suggests that if you have a large enough crowd, with a broad variety of people making estimates, then the mean (average) answer of the crowd will be accurate! Find out if a crowd can guess the weight of Uluru from the ground ...


Countries of birth

This is a web resource that includes four student activities about data interpretation, accompanied by a teacher guide for each activity. Activities include investigating changes in country of birth by collecting and displaying data from students, their parents and grandparents and comparing the 1901 and 2006 Australian ...


reSolve: Sports Salaries

This sequence of two lessons explores data sampling methods and measures of spread applied to a real world context of sporting teams. Students explore variation in the salaries of NBA players using real world data. They calculate means and medians, draw graphs, compare findings, and investigate the implications of obtaining ...


Can you find your eight’s optimal training regime?

This resource is a web page containing an interactive resource to investigate the effect on a time trial or race after changes to a training regime. This is a useful resource to discuss how to conduct a fair test and get reliable data. Record results from trials in a table to analyse results. This resource is an activity ...


Years 7–8: Working with data

This scope and sequence unit focuses on the skills required to acquire, analyse and visualise data. Students can acquire data from sources ranging from paper and digital surveys to electronic sensors and online data repositories. Spreadsheets and single-table databases can be used for data analysis and visualisation. At ...


Years 7–8: Collaborative data project

This scope and sequence unit provides an opportunity for students to apply the data-analysis skills from the ‘Working with data’ unit in the context of a digital solution designed, developed and evaluated collaboratively.


Statistics and probability: Foundation to Year 9

This comprehensive resource describes the progression of ideas that cover statistics and probability. The resource demonstrates examples of relevant teaching strategies, investigations, activity plans and connected concepts in chance and data including teaching and cultural implications.


Humpback whales: what the data reveals

The lesson follows an inquiry process where students use the dataset to answer relevant questions about the whale population. They consider what other data they would need in order to effectively examine the impact on humpback whales of sonar activity and noise from development.


Collect, sort and compare data: Year 8 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Collect, sort and compare data. Students examine different techniques for collecting types of data and begin to consider the challenges of collecting representative data by sampling a population.


Conduct statistical investigations: Year 8 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Conduct statistical investigations. Student bring together their learnings and plan a statistical investigation using known data or by conducting statistical data collection themselves. Students identify potential data collection and analysis from available data sets ...


ABS Stats (iOS App)

This is an app that provides ABS data at your fingertips. There are three sections to this app: Key Indicators (including economic indicators and population estimates), Census data (2011 information and facts related to people, families and dwellings) and Population (a population clock which displays the current population ...


Solar energy installations

This lesson uses data about solar energy installations to investigate data analysis. The dataset shows how many solar systems were installed, in each postcode, from 2001 to 2016. It is a useful way to understand how to explore and characterise datasets as well as to explore the use of data in the media. This lesson was ...


Saltwater crocs: resourceful or a resource?

This lesson focuses on the analysis of a dataset that records scientific data collected about the crocodile population in the Kimberley region during 2015. The lesson follows an inquiry process where students use the dataset to answer relevant questions about the crocodile population. It also provides an opportunity for ...


Interpret and discuss data displays: Year 8 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 8 is for the topic of Interpret and discuss data displays. Students collect data to create a sample. Students consider whether the data is coming from direct or primary sources or is derived from secondary data.


Shooting 3-pointers: Part 2

In this lesson, students conduct a statistical investigation, collecting and analysing data using percentages, and choosing efficient calculations and strategies. The investigation is communicated visually and verbally to the teacher and peers. Students reflect on feedback and consider revisions for the investigation.


Shooting 3-pointers: Part 1

In this lesson students are guided through solving a problem using mathematical modelling. Students are guided through the process of formulating a problem that can be solved using a mathematical modelling approach. A professional sporting context allows students to engage in a common basketball scoring move: shooting ...


ABS: agricultural resource management practices, Australia, 2011-12

This is a digital resource containing data on various agricultural practices used on Australian farms, and was collected in a 2011-2012 Australian Bureau of Statistics survey. This resource provides information about farming practices including pasture and crop cultivation, livestock and feral animal management, fertiliser ...


ACMF: Effects of selective breeding

This resource is a web page providing information about an experiment on the growth rate of different chicken breeds carried out by students at James Ruse Agricultural High School in NSW, which shows the influence of selective breeding on chicken weight. It includes a side-by-side column graph comparing the weight of egg ...


Australian Historical Population Statistics to 2014 - dataset

The dataset provides statistics about the population of Australia in terms of age and sex from 1901 to 2014. It is made available by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The dataset is in MS Excel format.


Water use and efficiency – sustainability action process (Years 7–10)

This resource guides students through an extended school-based or local investigation focussed on water use and efficiency using the five step sustainability action process. The resource supports the investigation of a real-world issue or problem. Students develop and implement a chosen sustainability action and then evaluate ...