Health and physical education / Year 7 and 8 / Movement and Physical Activity / Understanding movement

Curriculum content descriptions

Demonstrate and explain how the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people can enhance movement sequences (ACPMP084)

  • performing a range of movements and analysing technique based on understanding of take-off, body position and landing
  • demonstrating an understanding of how to adjust the angle of release of an object and how this will affect the height and distance of flight
  • creating, performing and appraising movement sequences that demonstrate variations in flow and levels
  • designing and refining movement concepts and strategies to manipulate space and their relationship to other players in this space
  • explaining how individual or team performance has improved through modifications to effort, space and time
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Sports,  Shape (Dance),  Spatial levels (Dance),  Human movement,  Movement pathways


Skills and strategies for striking or fielding games

In this unit, students will explicitly learn and practise the skill required to be successful in striking/fielding games and explore the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people in developing a batting (offensive) and/or a fielding (defensive) strategy for the Home Runs (softball) activity.


Net and court games

In this unit students develop and refine movement skills and strategies to net/court games. Examples include volleyball, newcombe ball, European handball, paddle tennis and table tennis. Emphasis is placed on the opportunity skill development provides for enhancing participation in lifelong physical activity. Focus of discussion ...


Yulunga: tarnambai

Although not a universal activity, athletics-type events were common. On Tiwi (Bathurst) Island the children collected the seed heads of the ‘spring rolling grass’ (Spinifex hirsutis) that grew on the sand hills near the coast. These were taken to the beach and released. The children allowed these to be blown along by the ...


Yulunga: kangaroo

Imitation activities were a favourite and popular activity for children everywhere. In one activity children would copy the actions of the kangaroo. This is a jumping relay race based on the actions of a kangaroo jumping. The Yulunga: Traditional Indigenous Games resource was developed to provide all Australians with a ...