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Health and physical education / Foundation / Personal, Social and Community Health / Being healthy, safe and active

Curriculum content descriptions

Identify people and demonstrate protective behaviours and other actions that help keep themselves safe and healthy (ACPPS003)

  • identifying characters in different texts who help the main character to stay safe and healthy
  • identifying knowledge, skills and understandings that can help keep them safe and healthy
  • identifying different relationships they have with people and which of these relationships make them feel loved, safe and supported
  • naming trusted people in their community who can help them stay safe and healthy, and practising ways of asking for help in a range of different scenarios
  • suggesting safe places at home, at school, while playing or while shopping and identifying what makes those places safe
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Help-seeking behaviour,  Trust


TrackSAFE Education Primary School Resources: Foundation, Year 1, Year 2 Health & Physical Education

This unit of work introduces students to the importance of safe behaviours in and around tracks and stations based on a real or virtual visit to a station, local level crossing and tracks. The central focus is familiarisation with main elements of the train network and responsible actions around crossings, platforms and ...


Australia’s Biggest Child Safety Lesson

This resource focuses on the concept of ‘my body, my choice’, and the strategies children can then use when they need to seek, give or deny consent. Within each activity there are explanations and scripts to support teachers to facilitate exploration of the suggested concepts. Some of the activities are quite generic with ...


Work sample Foundation Year Health and Physical Education: Staying safe

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Foundation Year Health and Physical Education. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is ...


Trusted adults

Students explore the concept of trusted adults, who can help them to feel safe, using the 'helping hand' strategy.


Public vs private body parts

Students develop their understanding of the differences between public body parts and private body parts.


My body inside and out

Students identify the correct names and location of their body parts (which may include genitalia).


Bodies: Similarities and differences

Students explore the physical features of people and identify similarities and differences between them.


How our class stays safe online

This resource can be used in the classroom to teach students aged 5 to 8 years about safe online behaviour. It includes discussion questions, a poster and guidelines about how to create a tech agreement.


Swoosh, Glide and Rule Number 5

The Swoosh and Glide education material can be used to teach lower primary students how to make good choices when they are online. Teachers can read the picture book to the class or read along with the video, and then explore the puzzles with students.


Online safety classroom posters

These posters for lower primary students can be displayed in the classroom and used to start online safety discussions during lessons across key learning areas.


Ask for help

This classroom activity is designed to help students recognise an unsafe situation when using digital technologies and to explore help-seeking strategies. This resource incudes a PowerPoint slide deck, educator notes and a student activity pack.


Foundation: Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

This set of learning materials covers eight topics of Social and Emotional Learning across the Foundation level of schooling. Topics include Emotional Literacy; Personal strengths; Positive Coping; Problem Solving; Stress Management; Help Seeking; Gender and Identity; and Positive Gender Relationships.


Being resilient is brilliant

This is a multistage unit of learning focused on empowering students to develop resilience that can support them to respond positively to different situations.


How do I keep myself and others safe? - Early Stage 1

In this unit students investigate safe and unsafe features of specific environments and explore actions to enhance their own and others’ safety and wellbeing. Through practical application students develop help-seeking skills and adopt strategies to help keep themselves and others safe. Students develop their ability to ...



In this lesson students will understand that integrity means always trying your best to do the right thing. They will explore the concept that integrity is a matter of personal choice and that looking at a situation from someone else’s perspective will help them to make a good choice. Extension activities about self respect ...


Growing and developing healthy relationships: Activities

Find a range of lesson plans for topics such as managing relationships, puberty, resilience, body image, bullying, and peer pressure across a range of year levels.


Child protection units and resources

Find units of work on topics such as Keeping myself safe, My right to be safe, Safe and unsafe relationships, Online/Offline relationships, and Using my personal power positively on this webpage. The resource includes advice about teaching respectful relationships effectively and examples of information appropriate for ...


Respectful Relationships: Teaching and Learning

Find comprehensive resources organised by stages of schooling including a scope and sequence, teaching and learning activities and links to resources. The activities provide explicit opportunities for developmentally appropriate learning about consent education, gender stereotypes and roles, keeping safe, respectful relationships ...