F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Describe ways to include others to make them feel they belong (ACPPS019)
Marginalisation, Friendship
15 direct matches to ACPPS019
This imaginative digital text is an illustrated narrative for teachers to read aloud to students. It is about Monkey, and how she learns an important message about friendship. The resource includes a teaching sequence related to the Big Six components of literacy development (oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, ...
This learning object is designed around a series of videos with Lisa Shanahan, author, and Emma Quay, illustrator, including a reading experience of their collaborative work, Bear and Chook by the Sea. Taken as a whole, this sequence of lessons is a Stage 1 unit of work that results in students working in pairs to produce ...
In this lesson, students will practice cooperation by working together for a common cause and sharing the benefits. They learn how it feels to help someone and to have someone help them. They also learn the importance of communication when cooperating and how to cooperate better at school and at home.
In this lesson, students explore ways they can show kindness and how others have shown them kindness. Extension activities about kindness can be used in art, drama and literature activities.
In this lesson, students learn about what it means to have self-control. They explore the ideas that self-control shows responsibility and independence and that having self-control helps one resist temptation. They practice self-control techniques. Extension activities about self regulation can be used in art, drama and ...
In this lesson, students will explain the purposes of rules and the consequences of breaking them. They explore how following rules can reflect qualities of good citizenship. Extension activities tease out other elements of this topic.
In this lesson, students will explore the qualities of being a good friend. Extension activities about respect can be used in art, drama, literature and physical education activities.
In this lesson students will explore the idea that being responsible builds others’ trust in them and that there are consequences when they are not responsible. Students will learn that responsibilities are age-appropriate and explore strategies that can help them be more responsible.
In this lesson students will understand that integrity means always trying your best to do the right thing. They will explore the concept that integrity is a matter of personal choice and that looking at a situation from someone else’s perspective will help them to make a good choice. Extension activities about self respect ...
Find a range of lesson plans for topics such as managing relationships, puberty, resilience, body image, bullying, and peer pressure across a range of year levels.
Find comprehensive resources organised by stages of schooling including a scope and sequence, teaching and learning activities and links to resources. The activities provide explicit opportunities for developmentally appropriate learning about consent education, gender stereotypes and roles, keeping safe, respectful relationships ...
Find units of work on topics such as Keeping myself safe, My right to be safe, Safe and unsafe relationships, Online/Offline relationships, and Using my personal power positively on this webpage. The resource includes advice about teaching respectful relationships effectively and examples of information appropriate for ...
This is a multistage unit of learning focused on empowering students to develop resilience that can support them to respond positively to different situations.
This resource was curated in response to the theme of the 2024 NAIDOC week: Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud! The theme highlights the diverse achievements and knowledge passed down through generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The resource provides a series of curated, age-appropriate ...
This resource provides links to lessons and activities at each level of schooling from Foundation to Year 10 in the area of online safety.