Health and physical education / Year 3 and 4 / Personal, Social and Community Health / Being healthy, safe and active

Curriculum content descriptions

Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS036)

  • identifying how medications and other substances can be stored safely in the home and at school
  • examining their own eating patterns by researching The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and identifying healthier food choices
  • proposing changes they can make to their daily routines to reduce sedentary behaviour and increase physical activity levels
  • identifying and practising ways of behaving in the playground that ensure the safety of themselves and others
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Safety,  Wellbeing,  Health promotion


Interactive: every day nutrition

This is a digital interactive animated resource showing the dairy food group that is one of the five food groups that are important for good health. It features the five food groups and describes the number of serves a 4-8 year child should eat every day. The nutritional components and health benefits of consuming serves ...


Creating a yarning circle: background

This activity introduces children to the idea of a yarning circle and its importance in First Nations Culture. It is part of a sequence of 8 individual learning activities designed to support the meaningful use of yarning circles in learning environments. OUTCOMES of this learning activity are for children to: understand ...


Creating a sensory garden

A sensory garden is a garden that engages all the senses: touch, smell, hearing, sight and even taste. Sensory gardens create a rich sensory experience as users directly and indirectly interact with the plants and the space. In addition to providing tips for creating a sensory garden and the best types of plants to choose, ...


TrackSAFE Education Primary School Resources: Year 3, Year 4 Health & Physical Education

This unit of work focuses students on becoming aware of unsafe situations and using self-talk to keep themselves safe. Students identify strategies to avoid unsafe situations and communicate their understandings by creating comic strips, role plays and games. Finally students are challenged to identify an idea that could ...


Creating a yarning circle: involving First Nations people

This activity is part of a broader activity sequence that has been developed to help you design, build and use a yarning circle in your school or community. It is part of a sequence of 8 individual learning activities designed to support the meaningful use of yarning circles in learning environments. It will help guide ...


Creating a yarning circle: yarning circle activities

Yarning circles provide opportunities for all to be heard, for discussions to be had and for understandings to be reached. This learning activity provides activity ideas for use in a yarning circle and will support students to develop a calendar for the yarning circle; be empowered to utilise the space regularly and meaningfully; ...


Creating a yarning circle: yarning and wellbeing

This learning activity will help you make connections between yarning and wellbeing programs, and how you can use yarning circles to support respectful, honest and open communication to promote connectedness among students, particularly using the morning circle routine. It is part of a sequence of 8 individual learning ...


Being resilient is brilliant

This is a multistage unit of learning focused on empowering students to develop resilience that can support them to respond positively to different situations.


And Then Something Changed Resource

This resource supports the film And Then Something Changed which explores what it is like to be a child with Achondroplasia, a form of dwarfism, and what it’s like to navigate a world that isn’t built for you. This resource explores themes from the short film, with learning tasks related to disability, inclusion, accessibility ...


Work sample Year 3 and 4 Health and Physical Education: Food and nutrition

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 3 and 4 Health and Physical Education. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an ...


Get ready to learn! Interoception and self-regulation

Interoception (mindful body awareness) refers to the perception, recognition and understanding of the internal physical states. These body signals can be understood as emotions and/or feelings which can then be responded to. Self-regulation is the ability to moderate or control emotions and actions in order to function ...


Assess your classroom environment

Not every classroom is specifically designed to respond to the needs of all students. Using this interactive questionnaire, audit a classroom environment and create a task list of simple changes that can be made to create a more space inclusive for neurodivergent students.