Health and physical education / Year 5 and 6 / Personal, Social and Community Health / Being healthy, safe and active

Curriculum content descriptions

Examine how identities are influenced by people and places (ACPPS051)

  • identifying how personal qualities contribute to identities and inform world views
  • recognising how individual personalities and teamwork contribute to achieving success in physical activities
  • exploring how personal and cultural identities change over time
  • investigating how personal and cultural identities are influenced by the groups and communities to which we belong and the places to which we feel connected
  • exploring how family, peers, popular culture and the media influence how individuals interact and the choices they make in given situations
  • discussing the notion of border crossing; that is, how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples live in two worlds
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Personal identity,  Cultural identity,  Adaptability


Aboriginal Cultures, Ch 14: Identity, racism and connection

How do you identify yourself? For some of us our identity is linked to the way we look, but for many people, especially in a multicultural country like Australia, it is generally more complicated. Does the way you look inform how you identify yourself? Grace is a Yorta Yorta person, and her identity is linked to her connection ...


Take a stand against racism

This is a unit of work about valuing diversity and standing up against racism. It has four teaching and learning sequences that focus on: exploring identity and diversity, understanding what racism looks like, sounds like and feels like, taking action against racism and what individuals can do to confront racism. The resource ...


Growing and developing healthy relationships: Activities

Find a range of lesson plans for topics such as managing relationships, puberty, resilience, body image, bullying, and peer pressure across a range of year levels.


Peer influence

Students investigate the possible influence that peers may have on the decisions we make. They explore ideas such as the right to make individual choices rather than 'fitting in' and that all decisions, choices and actions have consequences.


Understanding influences on behaviour

Students explore how family, peers and the media influence how individuals interact in a given situation.


Lockie Leonard for Teachers

This is a multiliteracy resource aimed to help students explore the Lockie Leonard television series, based on the original trilogy of books by Tim Winton. This website provides access to over 100 teaching and learning activities, each supported by video clips and student worksheets exploring themes including Transition ...


A Field Guide to Being a 12-Year-Old Girl

This resource supports the film A Field Guide to Being a 12-Year-Old Girl which documents the lives of twelve 12-year old girls. It can be used to explore ideas and representations of identity. It can also be used to unpack the director’s intention to make a film that walks the ‘line of fact and fiction’.


Years 5 and 6: Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

This set of learning materials covers eight topics of Social and Emotional Learning across the Years 5 and 6 levels of schooling. Topics include Emotional Literacy; Personal strengths; Positive Coping; Problem Solving; Stress Management; Help Seeking; Gender and Identity; and Positive Gender Relationships.


Respectful Relationships: Teaching and Learning

Find comprehensive resources organised by stages of schooling including a scope and sequence, teaching and learning activities and links to resources. The activities provide explicit opportunities for developmentally appropriate learning about consent education, gender stereotypes and roles, keeping safe, respectful relationships ...


Child protection units and resources

Find units of work on topics such as Keeping myself safe, My right to be safe, Safe and unsafe relationships, Online/Offline relationships, and Using my personal power positively on this webpage. The resource includes advice about teaching respectful relationships effectively and examples of information appropriate for ...


Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud

This resource was curated in response to the theme of the 2024 NAIDOC week: Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud! The theme highlights the diverse achievements and knowledge passed down through generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The resource provides a series of curated, age-appropriate ...


First Day: Teaching Toolkit

This resource supports the exploration of themes in the film series First Day. First Day explores the experiences of a transgender student who is starting secondary school. The resource will help students to prepare for, process, and reflect on their own transitions to secondary school as well as some elements of respectful ...


Identity charts

Use identity charts to help students consider the many factors that shape their own identity and that of groups, nations, and historical and literary figures. Videos provide examples of how teachers are using identity charts to explore topics such as civil rights.


Work sample Year 5 and 6 Health and Physical Education: Identity

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 5 and 6 Health and Physical Education. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an ...


Bindi: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the story Bindi. The novel explores explore themes of climate, bushfires, Aboriginal history and healing. This unit provides practical teaching ideas, suggestions about how students might respond creatively to the text and assessment opportunities.


Fire in ceremony

Many aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditional ceremonies are an important part of expressing cultural beliefs. Students will explore the use of fire and plants in smoking ceremonies, and how traditions combine ritual with skill and knowledge of traditional medicine to promote connections to community ...