Science / Year 1 / Science Inquiry Skills / Planning and conducting

Curriculum content descriptions

Use informal measurements to collect and record observations, using digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS026)

  • using units that are familiar to students from home and school, such as cups (cooking), hand spans (length) and walking paces (distance) to make and record observations with teacher guidance
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Data collection,  Instrumentation (Technology),  Informal units


Survive and thrive

In this sequence of 8 lessons, students learn about the basic needs of plants and animals including humans. They apply this knowledge to design and build a physical or digital diorama of a plant or animal habitat. Professional learning for teachers is integrated throughout the sequence.


Seed germination | Questacon

In this activity, students try germinating a range of different seeds. They explore ways to collect seeds, describe the features of the seeds they gather, draw and label their seeds, then sow their seeds, water them and make observations over time. The activity includes a list of what is required, suggestions of what to ...


Growing food

This module focuses on the environmental conditions that affect the growth of plants. The module includes a comprehensive teacher guide, curriculum links, materials lists, design process guides and printable student resource sheets. The resource also provides an editable module template, is supported by online professional ...


Every bird needs a home

In this set of learning activities, students investigate how habitat loss affects biodiversity. Students undertake field work and investigate the problem within the context of their school. Using a collaborative learning approach and problem-solving skills, students design a bird habitat to increase bird numbers. The module ...


Growing and changing on the farm

In this resource, students learn about how farm animals grow and change over time, focusing on naming, modelling and measuring these changes through hands-on activities. This lesson is part of a sequence of lessons that can be used with this age-group of students. Topics include Seasons and jobs on the farm; Who lives on ...


Primary Connections: Any day outdoors

In this sequence of 7 lessons, students identify daily and seasonal changes and describe ways these changes affect their everyday life. They explore this concept through the context of planning for a picnic or school-related event. They learn to identify patterns, make predictions and plan for activities in their daily ...


Earth and space – ES1

In this lesson sequence, students explore daily changes in the weather. They make observations and predictions about the weather and record their observations in a weather chart. Students identify how the weather affects choices they make in their daily life. The sequence uses a balance of synchronous and asynchronous ...


Earth and space – Stage 1

In this lesson sequence, students are introduced to regular atmospheric and astronomical events and their effect on the Earth. Students observe, record data, question, describe and identify the changes that occur in the sky and on the land. The sequence uses a balance of synchronous and asynchronous learning strategies. ...


Living world – ES1

In this lesson sequence, students learn about the characteristics and needs of living things. They recognise that living things have basic needs including air, food and water. Students apply their learning by investigating the growth of a living thing.


Living world – Stage 1

In this lesson sequence, students focus on the observable features of living things and their environment. Students follow and represent sequences of steps and decisions (algorithms) to solve problems.


Pet Superstars: The beagle: A nose that always knows

Meet Junior, a beagle who sniffs out all sorts of things, especially treats. Listen as Josie tells us about life with her pet dog. People say that beagles have the most amazing sense of smell. Does Junior? Find out.


Coat-hanger Scales| Questacon

In this activity, students make balance scales from coat hangers and use them to compare the weights of familiar objects. The activity includes a list of what is required, suggestions of what to do and notice, questions to ask, an explanation for the underlying science of what students observe and suggestions for other ...


Balancing | Questacon

In this activity, students explore balance. They experiment with balancing their own body, then with balancing objects in their hands, on flat surfaces, and with a self-built seesaw and balance scales. The activity includes a list of what is required, suggestions of what to do and notice, questions to ask, an explanation ...


For the Juniors: Picking and processing fresh apples

Discover the story of apples, from picking and pressing to processing in a factory. Learn how juice, cider and vinegar are made from apples. See how many other things are made from apples.


For the Juniors: Making Bread in a Factory

Have you ever wondered how your sandwich bread is made? This clip shows the story of bread, beginning with flour being loaded into a truck. Watch big machines mix the dough. See your bread being baked, then packed ready for the shop.


Sites2See: Exploring energy for Primary

One page with links to websites with interactive resources, information and activities to support primary students investigating energy and the Climate Clever Energy Savers program.


Sam the Lamb: Does wool burn?

This short entertaining video, narrated by ‘Sam the Lamb’ and 'Professors' Madeleine and Daisy test which fabrics burn easily and which fabrics are the most flame resistant. Sam and his science team test the flammability of a range of synthetic and natural fabrics including polyester, polar fleece, cotton and wool.


For the Juniors: Milk from the dairy to the shop

Have you ever wondered about the steps involved in getting milk from a cow to you? This clip tells the story of milk, from the dairy farm to the supermarket. Discover where cream comes from and how milk is made safe to drink.


Sites2See: Astronomy for primary

A small galaxy of sites and resources, from Galileo making discoveries that changed our view of the universe, to new images and understandings from Hubble, on a page tailored for Primary students.


How much rain?

In this lesson sequence, students participate in a puzzle hunt in the school grounds to find letter clues that lead to the location of a special gift (a rain gauge) related to water. Students then make rain gauges and record rainfall in the school grounds with both the hand-made and commercial rain gauges.