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Science / Year 5 / Science Inquiry Skills / Questioning and predicting

Curriculum content descriptions

With guidance, pose clarifying questions and make predictions about scientific investigations (ACSIS231)

  • exploring the range of questions that can be asked about a problem or phenomena and with guidance, identifying those questions that could be investigated
  • applying experience from similar situations in the past to predict what might happen in a new situation
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Predictions (Science),  Research questions


Every drop counts, being water wise!

This activity aims to explore water usage and water saving ideas. Every drop counts! OUTCOMES are for children to: understand the importance of water; look at ways to help save water; and undertake a water audit.


Elliot and the Surfing Scientist: Pepper scatter experiment

Watch what happens in this pepper scatter experiment by Surfing Scientist, Ruben Meerman. Ruben demonstrates an important property of water, surface tension, by dipping a toothpick into water sprinkled with pepper. Find out what happens when detergent is added.


Elliot and the Surfing Scientist: Salt water density experiment

Discover what density is and how you can test the density of liquids. You will also find out about salt water and how its density is responsible for the circulation of water around the world's oceans.


Unit for Year 5 to 6 Butterflies: Engaging with nature

This unit of work engages students in preparing butterfly gardens in their schoolgrounds. It explores scientific entomology, features of insects (including butterflies), the contributions that butterflies make to a healthy environments, and the characteristics of butterfly gardens. The unit includes worksheets, assessment ...


Light imitates art

In this sequence of 8 lessons, students learn about how light is transferred, how it helps them to see, and how reflections, shadows, and refraction occurs. They explore real-life applications by designing and/or making an artwork that utilises light in an artistic or celebratory capacity. Professional learning for teachers ...


Predator or prey | Questacon

In this activity, students play a game that models predator-prey relationships. They consider factors that make for successful predators, how it relates to the kinds of prey they catch, and collect and analyse data to consider how their model relates to catching prey in real ecosystems. The activity includes a list of what ...


Ice, wind & water | Questacon

In this activity, students explore erosion and deposition by observing the effect of ice, water and wind on the surface of sand. The activity includes a list of what is required, suggestions of what to do and notice, questions to ask, an explanation for the underlying science of what students observe and suggestions for ...


Chillingham Park Cow

This resource includes a template for a scientific research paper. Use it as the basis for students to work scientifically by planning a scientific enquiry and presenting their findings in research paper format.


Kinora Viewer

The Kinora Viewer was a development of the flipbook that enabled viewers to turn the handle and see objects move. These kinds of machines eventually led to the development of film and television and a revolution in culture. But how does it work? Why do we see movement from a series of still images? This resource includes ...


The force of gravity

This lesson plan, inspired by the work of sculptor Sean Henry, can be used to explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity. It assists students to identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction and to explore the effects of air resistance by observing how ...


Evaporation Innovation

In this activity, students are engineers tasked with developing an innovative solution that will reduce the rate of evaporation experienced by a local dam, reservoir or weir. Following the completion of the design challenge, students may explore how people in design and technologies fields have responded to similar issues.


Colour My World

In this activity, students investigate how they can use light and colour to change the way things look. Students firstly explore how they can split, mix and block light in a teacher-led demonstration. They then use their knowledge and understanding of light and colour to create a coloured shadows light show inspired by ...


Melting Moments

In these activities, students explore the properties of solids and liquids and how they change. Students investigate how they can change the way a solid melts and test different solids to see how they compare. The resource encourages students to ask questions, make predictions, share their observations and suggest possible ...


Survival in Extreme Environments

In this activity, students explore the adaptations that allow animals to survive in extreme environments. Students plan and conduct a hands-on investigation to answer the questions 'Which animal will stay the coolest in a hot environment?' and 'Which animal will stay the warmest in a cold environment?' This resource is ...


Making Connections: Object and Article Analysis

In this activity, students explore how humans impact the marine ecosystem. They complete an object analysis, where the object is related to or drawn from the marine environment. They then read a media article related to the objects analysed. During their analysis, students are encouraged to identify how the article connects ...


Camouflage Capers

In this activity, students investigate camouflage and model the effect of colour on the survival of organisms. Students explore the effects of camouflage on predation and the impact of changing environments on camouflaged organisms. This resource is part of a suite of activities from Queensland Museum focused on habitats ...


Teaching with videogames: Geography and Environmental Science with TerraNil

In this lesson, students restore environments and ecosystems in a future, desolate planet earth, using existing and imagined technologies with Terra Nil.


Adaptive Speciation of Honeybees - Calculate

Using the example of the humble honey bee, this integrated Science and Mathematics unit illustrates the way in which speciation occurs in nature and explains how living things adapt to survive in their environment. In doing so, the unit describes the nature of simple multiplicative number sequences and how simple algebraic ...


Why are river pebbles round? Sugar shake: erosion experiment

This short video introduces the concepts of weathering and erosion by investigating why river pebbles are often rounded. Students can undertake an activity which demonstrates the process of erosion using sugar cubes. They are asked to predict what might happen (a hypothesis) and then observe what does happen and relate ...



This activity invites students to explore the phenomena of shadows and investigate the question, 'How can you change shadows?' Students work with shadow phenomena outdoors, indoors, or both to figure out how to change the size, shape, and position of a shadow. The activity is designed for use at home or in a classroom and ...