Japanese / Foundation to Year 2 / Communicating / Socialising

Curriculum content descriptions

Exchange greetings and introduce and share information about self with the teacher and peers using simple language and gestures

[Key concepts: self, interaction, politeness, preferences; Key processes: greeting, interacting, introducing, describing]


  • learning how to greet others at different times of the day using appropriate gestures and forms of address, for example, せんせい、おはようございます、さようなら、おはよう、じゃあね
  • using culturally appropriate titles, forms of address and levels of politeness in everyday interactions with the teacher and peers, for example, Smith せんせい、ありがとう ございます。 Tom くん、ありがとう。Alisa さん、おめでとう。
  • introducing self, using formal spoken language and appropriate non-verbal language such as bowing, for example, はじめまして、Hana です。どうぞよろしく。
  • using formulaic Japanese phrases for everyday interactions such as giving and receiving, thanking, apologising and offering wishes or congratulations, for example, どうぞ、(どうも) ありがとう、すみません、がんばって
  • indicating likes and dislikes, using modelled statements such as いぬ が すき です。わに が すき じゃない です。
  • describing friends, favourite things and objects, using visual, concrete and digital support material, for example, これ は ねずみ です。ちいさい です。かわいい です。 はいいろ です。 すいか です。おいしい です。 ちいさい () です。
  • responding to questions and indicating ownership, for example, だれ の ですか。わたし の です。Ollie くん/ Sarah さん の です 。わたし の えんぴつ(です)。
  • using formulaic expressions to convey emotions, for example, すごい、え~!、 かわいい、 やったー!
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Conversations,  Japanese language

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