Science / Year 5 / Science Inquiry Skills / Planning and conducting

Curriculum content descriptions

Identify, plan and apply the elements of scientific investigations to answer questions and solve problems using equipment and materials safely and identifying potential risks (ACSIS086)

  • experiencing a range of ways of investigating questions, including experimental testing, internet research, field observations and exploring simulations
  • explaining rules for safe processes and use of equipment
  • discussing the advantages of certain types of investigation for answering certain types of questions
  • considering different ways to approach problem solving, including researching, using trial and error, experimental testing and creating models
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Experiments,  Data collection,  Problem solving


Let's make slime!

This resource explains how to make slime using cornflour to produce something called a non-Newtonian fluid. A non-Newtonian fluid is a substance which has properties of a liquid and a solid. This means it can flow like a liquid, but also can have a set shape. It all depends on the amount of force you apply to it. In this ...


Modelling the Seasons

This resource provides a scaffold for students to undertake a simple experiment. Students use a world globe and a heat lamp to investigate how the tilt of the Earth’s axis causes the seasons.


It’s Alive: Conditions on Earth

In this resource, students investigate and measure the conditions of planet Earth. They explore temperature, gravity and the needs of living things. Students also discuss how some conditions on Earth are constant, while other conditions regularly change, and how living things have adaptations to survive these changes.


Home energy use

Reducing carbon dioxide emissions and sustainable energy use and are two of the major issues facing the world today. This project explores energy use in homes, and compares individual energy use with the class average and calculate and graph CO2 emissions.


Every drop counts, being water wise!

This activity aims to explore water usage and water saving ideas. Every drop counts! OUTCOMES are for children to: understand the importance of water; look at ways to help save water; and undertake a water audit.


Invictus Games Sydney 2018 – Stage 3 – Adaptivity and Invictus

This Stage 3 unit explores the idea of ‘adaptivity’ and identity across a number of KLAs. Students will answer the question ‘What is adaptivity?’ and will develop an understanding of how adaptivity serves inclusivity, especially in relation to adaptive sport. Students will explore the history and future of prosthetics. ...


Waste and materials – sustainability action process (Years 3–6)

This resource guides students through an extended school-based or local investigation focussed on waste and materials using the five-step sustainability action process. The resource supports the investigation of a real-world issue or problem. Students develop and implement a chosen sustainability action and then evaluate ...


Kitchen gardens – sustainability action process (Years 3–6)

This resource guides students through an extended school-based or local investigation focussed on kitchen gardens using the five-step sustainability action process. The resource supports the investigation of a real-world issue or problem. Students develop and implement a chosen sustainability action and then evaluate and ...


Biodiversity – sustainability action process (Years 3–6)

This biodiversity learning resource guides students through an extended school based investigation. Students develop and implement a chosen sustainability action and then evaluate and reflect on their success and their learning.



A resource for Stage 3 students called Ecospace which takes students on a journey through the design process, requiring them to explore a real space in their immediate learning environment and to show a real school audience how improvements could be made.


Sites2See: Insects and Spiders

This page links to a range of materials from the Australian Museums' Bugwise program, with additional materials and activities, including a resource about invertebrates in freshwater.


experiMENTALS: Spooky slime

This resource contains a materials and instruction list and brief explanation for students about the process of making spooky slime with cornflour to produce a substance that is a little like a liquid and a little like a solid.


Elliot and the Surfing Scientist: Properties and behaviour of gases

All substances are made up of tiny particles. A change in temperature can change the way these particles behave. Watch as the Surfing Scientist demonstrates how a gas behaves when it is heated. Find out whether the balloon gets sucked or pushed into the bottle!


Elliot and the Surfing Scientist: Salt water density experiment

Discover what density is and how you can test the density of liquids. You will also find out about salt water and how its density is responsible for the circulation of water around the world's oceans.


Water for wildlife

With Australia’s changing climate we need to adapt to our altering conditions. This is challenging but also possible for humans through behaviour change and infrastructure change (too advanced?) but not quite so easy for our precious wildlife. While water is considered renewable as it functions as part of a water cycle, ...


Protecting Australian Food Production Systems through Biosecurity Education

This is an extended unit of work focusing on biosecurity and its importance for Australia. The unit is organised into three major sections: biosecurity awareness-raising; practical participation in biosecurity related investigations; and promoting a biosecurity-aware community. Each section contains numerous student activities. ...


Light imitates art

In this sequence of 8 lessons, students learn about how light is transferred, how it helps them to see, and how reflections, shadows, and refraction occurs. They explore real-life applications by designing and/or making an artwork that utilises light in an artistic or celebratory capacity. Professional learning for teachers ...


Primary Connections: Communicating matters

In this sequence of 8 lessons, students learn about solids, liquids and gases, determine their properties and consider how their particulate arrangement relates to their properties and behaviour. They study a variety of examples of science communication and develop techniques to communicate what they have learned. Professional ...


Earth and space – Stage 2

In this lesson sequence, students investigate some natural processes and human activities that cause erosion. The sequence uses a balance of synchronous and asynchronous learning strategies. The tasks provide options for students with and without technology. The sequence includes a student workbook and advice for parents ...


Physical world

This learning activity about reflection and refraction of light is designed to investigate how students work together as a team to apply the scientific knowledge and skills they have learned during class to a new or novel situation. This requires a particular focus in teaching the students explicit teamwork, leadership ...