Science / Foundation / Science Understanding / Biological sciences

Curriculum content descriptions

Living things have basic needs, including food and water (ACSSU002)

  • identifying the needs of humans such as warmth, food and water, using students’ own experiences
  • recognising the needs of living things in a range of situations such as pets at home, plants in the garden or plants and animals in bushland
  • comparing the needs of plants and animals
ScOT terms

Nutrition,  Sunlight,  Plant nutrition,  Sheltering behaviour,  Water


Pet Superstars: The beagle: A nose that always knows

Meet Junior, a beagle who sniffs out all sorts of things, especially treats. Listen as Josie tells us about life with her pet dog. People say that beagles have the most amazing sense of smell. Does Junior? Find out.


For the Juniors: Using and storing water on a farm

Can you imagine a farm with no water? What might happen to the animals and crops? This clip explains how important a water supply is for farmers. You will see some ways that farmers store water, which is especially important when there is limited or no rain.


Propagating from fruit and vegetable scraps

We’re going to use fruit and vegetable scraps to propagate or grow new plants! Investigating plant growth engages young learners in a hands-on science project and helps illustrate plant features and life-cycles. Your plants can even be planted into the garden to produce a future crop. OUTCOMES for this learning activity ...


Unit for Reception to Year 2 Butterflies: Engaging with nature

This unit of work engages students in preparing butterfly gardens in their schoolgrounds. It explores the characteristics of living and non-living things, features of caterpillars and butterflies, the lifecycle of butterflies, survival requirements, and the characteristics of butterfly gardens. The unit includes worksheets, ...


For the Juniors: How do apiarists farm their bees?

Have you ever wondered what a bee farm looks like? This clip shows how bee farmers (apiarists) look after their bees. Watch the bee hives being opened and see the honey being collected. View the machinery used to collect and bottle the honey.


Chicken farming in the living world: Stage 1

Chickens are fascinating animals and provide students with an interesting subject matter to discuss the many aspects of our living world. This interactive course for students explores the question 'How do humans use plants and animals?' and comprises a series of modules and supporting videos. Students will plan, design ...


Pet Superstars: A pig in high heels?

Meet Trotsky the pet pig. Look at him carefully and find out more about pigs as pets. See how Trotsky is looked after and why he is a much-loved family pet.


For the Juniors: Why do cows make milk?

Have you ever wondered why cows make milk? In this clip you will learn the answer to this question. You will also see how cows are milked in a large dairy. Join Bill, a dairy farmer, as he tends to his herd of dairy cows.


Environmental and Zoo Education Centres – primary school resources

A collection of digital resources for primary school teachers and students to support teaching and learning from home, with a particular focus on geography, science and history. The resources were developed by Department of Education teachers from 25 Environmental and Zoo Education Centres in NSW and include Google Sites, ...


Play School: What's in the rock pools?

Have you ever been to the beach and explored rock pools? What did you see in them? Join Tom and his family as they go looking for sea creatures in rock pools. What are some of the animals they find? Have you ever seen a crab at the beach? Can you move like a crab?


Pet Superstars: Can you train a blue-tongue lizard to do tricks?

Meet Coco and Yoshi, two blue-tongue lizards. Isabel says they make great pets. Find out what Isabel likes about them and how she cares for them. Discover how she gets Yoshi to complete a daring trick! See how a snail helps!


Sites2See: Forests

Online resources for Primary teachers, parents and students to celebrate and engage with the International Year of Forests 2011. Features selected links to games, information, videos and interactive resources for the study of trees and forests and broader issues of biodiversity and sustainability.


For the Juniors: Animals that like wet weather

Imagine a place where it rains most of the time. What sort of creatures might live there? This clip shows a very wet place where the animals need lots of water to survive.


For the Juniors: Making a rain gauge

How do you feel about the rain? This clip explains why rain is so important to farmers. You will see how to make a rain gauge and use it to measure how much rain falls. Farmers measure rainfall so they know when to do different jobs on their farms.


For the Juniors: Growing apples

Do you like eating apples? This clip shows where apples are grown. Learn how the apple farmer (orchardist) looks after the apple trees so they can grow lots of healthy fruit.


For the Juniors: Where Does Bread Come From?

Do you know where your bread comes from? Discover how many other foods can be made from wheat flour. This clip tells the story of wheat from the farm to the factory. See how the big machines in a flour mill make flour from grains of wheat.


For the Juniors: Keeping cool in hot weather

Have you ever wondered why your face turns red when you run around? Discover what's going on under your skin when this happens, and how this helps you keep cool. See some of the clever ways that animals keep cool, too.


For the Juniors: Ways to catch and eat fish

Discover the many ways that people eat fish. Watch how the fish called tuna are caught and made ready for sale. Find out how some tuna is farmed and how the tuna farmer meets the needs of these tuna.


Living world – ES1

In this lesson sequence, students learn about the characteristics and needs of living things. They recognise that living things have basic needs including air, food and water. Students apply their learning by investigating the growth of a living thing.


Living world – Stage 1

In this lesson sequence, students focus on the observable features of living things and their environment. Students follow and represent sequences of steps and decisions (algorithms) to solve problems.