Science / Year 1 / Science Understanding / Biological sciences

Curriculum content descriptions

Living things have a variety of external features (ACSSU017)

  • recognising common features of animals such as head, legs and wings
  • describing the use of animal body parts for particular purposes such as moving and feeding
  • identifying common features of plants such as leaves and roots
  • describing the use of plant parts for particular purposes such as making food and obtaining water
ScOT terms

Plant structure and function,  Animal structure and function


Pet Superstars: The beagle: A nose that always knows

Meet Junior, a beagle who sniffs out all sorts of things, especially treats. Listen as Josie tells us about life with her pet dog. People say that beagles have the most amazing sense of smell. Does Junior? Find out.


For the Juniors: Breathing under the water

What would it be like to breathe under water? See the equipment humans use to help them swim under water. Find out about the special features fish have that help them 'breathe' under water.


Unit for Reception to Year 2 Butterflies: Engaging with nature

This unit of work engages students in preparing butterfly gardens in their schoolgrounds. It explores the characteristics of living and non-living things, features of caterpillars and butterflies, the lifecycle of butterflies, survival requirements, and the characteristics of butterfly gardens. The unit includes worksheets, ...


Cats, Dogs and Us: Education pack (years 1-2)

This education pack is an International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) resource designed to build students' understanding about the special place domestic cats and dogs have in people's lives. The pack consists of a teaching guide, a student magazine and five student worksheets focusing on topics such as the physical characteristics ...


For the Juniors: Exploring under the sea

Dive into the busy and colourful world of the coral reef. Explore some of the many animals that live in the shallow waters of the reef. See how they catch food and make their homes there.


Carbon is child's play

Carbon is all around us and makes up every living thing. This unit investigates the basic science of carbon in living things and build awareness of the science of the carbon cycle and its importance to our daily lives and the planet. The unit includes PDF resources and video quiz challenges for teachers and student and ...


Pet Superstars: A pig in high heels?

Meet Trotsky the pet pig. Look at him carefully and find out more about pigs as pets. See how Trotsky is looked after and why he is a much-loved family pet.


For the Juniors: Hand-milking cows

Discover how people milked cows before milking machines existed. Do you think you could milk a cow by hand? Watch this short clip to find out how it's done. Look at the special features (parts) of cows that store their milk and release it during milking.


For the Juniors: Why do cows make milk?

Have you ever wondered why cows make milk? In this clip you will learn the answer to this question. You will also see how cows are milked in a large dairy. Join Bill, a dairy farmer, as he tends to his herd of dairy cows.


Pet Superstars: Guinea pig superstar

Meet Larissa and her guinea pig called 'Superstar'. Learn how Larissa cares for her guinea pig pets and what her dream is. Find out what makes Superstar a superstar pet.


Pet Superstars: Ferreting around

Meet Will and his two pet ferrets, Lemony and Snicket. Learn how Will cares for these two animal acrobats. Find out about some challenges he faces in having ferrets around the house.


Pet Superstars: Guide dog puppy in training

Meet Ella and the puppy she is helping to train as a guide dog. Find out what it takes to teach Dusty what he needs to know for a very important job.


Pet Superstars: Alpacas: No hump but spits like a camel

Meet Kai the alpaca, an animal that is a bit like a camel. Listen as Cassandra talks about the alpaca's fleece (body covering), how it lives in herds and what it eats. See the two types of alpaca breed: Huacaya and Suri. How are they different? The clue is in their fleece.


Pet Superstars: Can you train a blue-tongue lizard to do tricks?

Meet Coco and Yoshi, two blue-tongue lizards. Isabel says they make great pets. Find out what Isabel likes about them and how she cares for them. Discover how she gets Yoshi to complete a daring trick! See how a snail helps!


For the Juniors: A poem about taste

Imagine what life would be like if you couldn't taste anything. This rhyming poem will help you think about the importance of our sense of taste.


For the Juniors: Fish from the ocean to table

Have you ever eaten fish for dinner? This clip tells the story of how fish come from the sea to your plate. See how fish are caught, bought and sold. Watch a fish being cut into fillets and find out what happens to the bits we don't eat.


For the Juniors: Keeping cool in hot weather

Have you ever wondered why your face turns red when you run around? Discover what's going on under your skin when this happens, and how this helps you keep cool. See some of the clever ways that animals keep cool, too.


Kids in the Garden, Ep 3: Discover flower power!

Can you imagine a world without flowers? Flowers add colour, scent and beauty to our world. But why do plants make them? Discover the real purpose of flowers and how they do their job.


Living world – ES1

In this lesson sequence, students learn about the characteristics and needs of living things. They recognise that living things have basic needs including air, food and water. Students apply their learning by investigating the growth of a living thing.


Living world – Stage 1

In this lesson sequence, students focus on the observable features of living things and their environment. Students follow and represent sequences of steps and decisions (algorithms) to solve problems.