F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
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Australian English has evolved to adopt terms from Aboriginal languages, some of which are widely used. 'Yakka' and 'bung' are two examples. Can you think of some more? Aboriginal communities have likewise adopted English terms, like 'deadly' but with different meanings, creating 'Aboriginal English'. Can you think of some ...
This animation of a contemporary story created by primary school children from the Wajal Wajal community in Far North Queensland. The story is told in two versions; one in English language and one in Kuku Yalanji language. A glossary of language in provided along with a transcript of the story.
This animation of a contemporary story created by primary school children from the Lockhart River community in Far North Queensland. The story is told in two versions; one in English language and one in Umpila language. A glossary of language in provided along with a transcript of the story.
This animation of a contemporary story created by primary school children from the Northern Peninsula Area State College in Far North Queensland. The story is told in English language, a glossary of Aboriginal words and a transcript of the story is provided.
This animation of a contemporary story created by primary school children from the Pompuraaw community in Far North Queensland. The story is told in English language and a transcript of the story is provided
This teacher resource describes the Two-Way early childhood professional learning course implemented in Western Australian Aboriginal focus schools, public, Catholic and independent schools to increase opportunities for Aboriginal students who speak English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D) to acquire language, ...