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Listed under:  Science  >  Life  >  Animal structure and function

For the Juniors: Fish from the ocean to table

Have you ever eaten fish for dinner? This clip tells the story of how fish come from the sea to your plate. See how fish are caught, bought and sold. Watch a fish being cut into fillets and find out what happens to the bits we don't eat.


ABC News: Dr Karl vs the mysterious giant squid

Do you believe in the legendary sea monster called the Kraken? It's said to have gigantic tentacles and to lurk in the deep ocean. In this clip, Dr Karl talks about some of the extraordinary features of a real deep-sea creature - the giant squid. Watch this clip to find out about it and see some footage of this amazing creature.


Spectacular spiders and their stunning silks

Discover what makes spiders so spectacular in this award-winning clip about the feeding habits, adaptations, and physical features of spiders. See close-up footage of spiders weaving their webs, catching their prey, and sheltering in their retreats. Brandon Gifford entered this video in the 2013 Sleek Geeks Eureka Science ...


Migratory birds

Discover a program that builds awareness about Tasmania's shore birds. See how community involvement is helping to monitor their populations. View this clip called 'Migratory birds', created by young reporters from Circular Head Christian School, Tasmania. The clip was developed as part of the ABC Splash Live 'Making the ...


Kids in the Garden, Ep 8: How plants survive in different places

Explore some amazing ways that plants can survive in their habitats. See plants that mimic stones. Discover how some plants use weapons to protect themselves. Meet plants that trap their victims to feed on them.


Catalyst: Penguin wave better than a group hug!

Emperor penguins form a big, tightly packed huddle to keep warm in Antarctica, the coldest and windiest continent on Earth. But how do the ones on the outside of the huddle keep warm? Find out about a clever way of ensuring that no penguin is left out in the cold.


Kids in the Garden, Ep 7: Fungi: how they grow

If a mushroom is not a plant, what is it? Discover a group of living things that are neither animals nor plants. Explore the mysterious world of fungi and find out the conditions that they need before they can grow.


Kids in the Garden, Ep 10: Uses of herbs past and present

Learn about some of the most useful plants in the home. Find out how some different herbs have been used throughout history and are used today.


For the Juniors: How do mangrove trees survive?

Imagine a plant that lives in mud and is soaked in sea water twice a day. Find out how mangroves thrive in conditions that would kill other plants. View the amazing adaptations that make mangroves such special plants.


For the Juniors: Exploring under the sea

Dive into the busy and colourful world of the coral reef. Explore some of the many animals that live in the shallow waters of the reef. See how they catch food and make their homes there.


Kids in the Garden, Ep 4: Plant leaves

Leaves come in many shapes, sizes, colours and textures. Watch this clip to discover how leaves make their own food and transport energy to the rest of the plant. See how they can even be useful after they've fallen to the ground. Presenter Nick Hardcastle and some young helpers will also show you a fun, creative activity ...


Catalyst: Sending seeds into space

Why might we need to keep a collection of seeds from all over the world? Where would we keep a collection like that? Should we send some of them into space? Watch this clip to reveal answers to all these questions and more.


Pet Superstars: The beagle: A nose that always knows

Meet Junior, a beagle who sniffs out all sorts of things, especially treats. Listen as Josie tells us about life with her pet dog. People say that beagles have the most amazing sense of smell. Does Junior? Find out.


Pet Superstars: A pig in high heels?

Meet Trotsky the pet pig. Look at him carefully and find out more about pigs as pets. See how Trotsky is looked after and why he is a much-loved family pet.


Day in the life of a wombat

Wombats have lovely large noses like dogs, but they're different from dogs' noses. How are they different? They also have hard heads and sharps nails to dig their homes with. What are their homes called? What do they do with most of their day?


Kids in the Garden, Ep 12: Trees: a vital part of our lives

Have you ever heard of the 'sausage tree' or the 'dragon blood tree'? Watch this clip to find out about these and many other types of trees. Explore how they grow and why they are important. Presenter Nick Hardcastle will also show you how to plant a tree and grow a bonsai tree.


BTN: South Australia's ancient sea fossils

Come on a palaeontologist's dig at Emu Bay, South Australia, and discover some weird-looking creatures frozen in stone. Find out what these fossils tell scientists about life on the ancient sea floor. There is a demonstration of how a fossil is formed, and you'll be surprised by the types of materials that have been preserved.


Endangered species - marine turtles

This is a detailed plan for teaching a unit on endangered species - marine turtles. It includes a unit outline, overview and aim, learning outcomes, inquiry questions, background information about the marine turtles, lesson plans and a guide to assessment. The lesson sequence is based on the inquiry based 5Es approach to ...


Field Guide to NSW Fauna - Google Play app

View descriptions of NSW fauna together with maps of distribution, images and endangered species rating. Animals are grouped by mammals, reptiles, fishes, amphibians, birds or insects and other invertebrates. Info pages include images and animal sounds. Free when reviewed on 26/08/2024.


Field guide to Victorian Fauna - iTunes app

View descriptions of Victorian fauna together with maps of distribution, images and endangered species rating. Animals are grouped by mammals, reptiles, fishes, amphibians, birds or insects and other invertebrates. Info pages include images and animal sounds. Free when reviewed on 26/08/2024.