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Listed under:  Health  >  Physical activity  >  Physical fitness  >  Human movement  >  Balancing (Motor coordination)

Scarecrow dancing

Students explore dance through scarecrow images and movements. They engage in creative play and create simple images.


Dancing the Torres Strait winds to life: Kuki

Inspired by the natural environment, Torres Strait Islander choreographer Elma Kris created the dance 'About' as an expression of the effects that the winds (Gub) have on the land, sea and community. This clip shows the segment 'Kuki' (pronounced Cook-ee), which is inspired by the strong north-west winds that blow between ...


Dancing The Torres Strait winds to Life: Zey

Torres Strait Islander choreographer Elma Kris created the dance 'About' as an expression of the effects of the winds (Gub) on the land, sea and community. The four seasons in the Torres Strait Islands relate directly to the type and direction of the winds. Kris has explored the effects of the Zey (pronounced Zay) - cool ...


Autumn leaves

Explore dance, art and music through a song about Autumn leaves. Make some art works, dance like a leaf and learn to play the song on a keyboard instrument.


Be a friend

Explore dance, drama and visual arts through different elements of friendship.


Disco dancing

Explore the elements of dance to develop locomotor and non-locomotor movement skills, disco style shapes and expressive qualities.


Classroom warm up activities

This sequence of guided dance warm-up videos is led by The Australian Ballet’s Dance Education Ensemble. The videos are designed to get students moving and encourage safe dance practice in the classroom. The videos are self-explanatory and can be used in sequence or individually as part of movement based activities in dance ...


Dinosaur dig

Students learn about the world of dinosaurs through creative arts. They explore elements of dance to develop coordination skills through movement and actions, as well as music and drama to create characters. They also create a dinosaur themed artwork.


The Wild West

Students learn about the Wild West through creative arts. They explore dance and music with simple movement combinations and clapping to a beat. They also create a sunset landscape artwork.


Kitchen gardens – sustainability action process (Years 3–6)

This resource guides students through an extended school-based or local investigation focussed on kitchen gardens using the five-step sustainability action process. The resource supports the investigation of a real-world issue or problem. Students develop and implement a chosen sustainability action and then evaluate and ...


Balancing | Questacon

In this activity, students explore balance. They experiment with balancing their own body, then with balancing objects in their hands, on flat surfaces, and with a self-built seesaw and balance scales. The activity includes a list of what is required, suggestions of what to do and notice, questions to ask, an explanation ...


Blast off! Life in space - teacher resource

This teacher resource is a comprehensive sequence of teacher ideas and student activities that support the arts curriculum in drama and dance, using ideas about space exploration, the universe and the life of an astronaut as stimulus. It includes a link to the video 'Blast off with NASA astronaut Rex Walheim'. This video ...