F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
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This two-week unit develops student knowledge, understanding and skills to solve mathematical problems using critical and strategic thinking.
Students use calendars for a variety of purposes, exploring that calendars can look different and that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples may recognise different seasons.
This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Time and duration: Calendars. Students identify the date and determine the number of days between events using calendars.
This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 2 Mathematics. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation ...
This two-week unit develops student understanding of data and chance, and their interconnectedness. Students are provided opportunities to: investigate topics of interest by choosing suitable questions to collect, display and interpret relevant data; identify misleading data; learn the names and order of days of the week; ...
Do you know how many seasons there are in a year? Watch this video as Dirtgirl explains the seasons in some countries. Did you know that in Australia there is more than one way of describing seasons? Find out what they are.
How many months are there in a year? What are they? In what month is your birthday? In Australia, depending on where you live, you can have either four seasons or two. Find out how many seasons there are where you live. What are they? In which months do these seasons occur in?
You may know of the four seasons. In the southern parts of Australia the year is often divided up into spring, summer, autumn and winter. But what about other parts of Australia? Find out what seasons they have in northern Australia. See how the year is divided into months and shown as a calendar. You'll also see how many ...
This is a 20-page guide for teachers containing an introduction to the units of time and how to measure time. Time between events, time lines and timetables are considered. A brief history of the development of these concepts concludes the module.
This is a resource about a collaborative study carried out by the CSIRO and the Aboriginal peoples of the Northern Territory and Western Australia to map the peoples’ knowledge of bush tucker associated with the Daly and Fitzroy Rivers and develop seasonal calendars. The resource consists of an online article from ‘Australian ...
This is a web resource that includes four student activities about calendar structure, format, patterns and uses, accompanied by student materials and a teacher guide for each activity. Activities cover different types of calendars for different time frames from a three-day calendar to a yearly calendar, dates of events, ...
Selected links to a range of interactive and print resources for Measurement topics in K-6 Mathematics.
Have you ever visited a new baby? Come along with Levi as he meets his baby sister for the first time. Find out why people get so excited when a new baby arrives. Find out how families let people know about a new baby.
This unit explores the concept and language of time and then moves to using sources to create a personal representation of the passing of time by exploring memory and creating a personal timeline.
This is a seasonal calendar developed by the Ngan’gi people of the Northern Territory in collaboboration with CSIRO. The resource contains an introduction, a richly illustrated calendar and related links. The introduction includes information about the people’s wish to document traditional knowledge of their Daly River ...
This is the Mingayooroo - Manyi Waranggiri Yarrangi, Gooniyandi seasons calendar developed by people of the Gooniyandi language group of the Kimberley in collaboration with CSIRO. The resource consists of an introduction, a richly illustrated calendar and related links. The introduction contains information about the people’s ...
Go to a race track and collect information from different kinds of visual texts to make your kart the fastest on the track. First, add important kart parts and choose the style of kart you want. Then collect information about the time and place of your race. Next, go to the garage to set up your kart before doing a starting ...
View a slideshow of images and text to find out about the symbols used to represent Australia on flags, currency, sporting competitions and important days such as Australia Day. Complete a related task.