F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 7 results
Meet Ella and the puppy she is helping to train as a guide dog. Find out what it takes to teach Dusty what he needs to know for a very important job.
What are food miles, and how can a farmers' market support sustainable farming and supply a community with fresh food? To find out, view this clip called 'To market, to market', created by young reporters from Willunga Primary School, South Australia. The clip was developed as part of the ABC Splash Live 'Making the news!' ...
This teacher resource is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page containing a lesson plan on modelling tropical cyclones. The resource clearly sets out lesson objectives and provides detailed notes about the outcomes expected. It includes a link to in-depth background material on a tropical cyclone's life cycle and development ...
This is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page about tropical cyclones. The resource explains what tropical cyclones are and includes a diagram showing the parts of Australia where they occur, indicating which months of the year each region is affected. It describes the impact of tropical cyclones on Australia, using Tropical ...
Go to a race track and collect information from different kinds of visual texts to make your kart the fastest on the track. First, add important kart parts and choose the style of kart you want. Then collect information about the time and place of your race. Next, go to the garage to set up your kart before doing a starting ...
Go fishing in Western Australia. Look at how and why laws restrict people from taking certain fish. Identify cases where laws apply: size limits, bag limits and closed seasons. Build a magazine article explaining the fishing laws. Use a model structure and persuasive text to support a responsible position. For example, ...
Mark the route for a walking track on a map of a rainforest. Choose a section of track based on instructions about distances, compass directions and grid references. Keep adding sections of track to get to the rest house. As you go, look up the meaning of tricky words.