F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
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Dodly is getting ready for a very special occasion tomorrow. How will he fill in his time? How long does he have to wait? And what is his special occasion? With Dodly, Flynn and the Flying GIrl, investigate different ways of measuring time and discover how to read analogue and digital clocks.
Watch Dodly and Flynn at the monster fair investigating ways of representing the numbers from one to five. Two is a double, such as in a double scoop of ice-cream. Tally marks and 'tri' are used as representations of three, while four monster apples are shown as 3 and 1 or 2 and 2.
How many months are there in a year? What are they? In what month is your birthday? In Australia, depending on where you live, you can have either four seasons or two. Find out how many seasons there are where you live. What are they? In which months do these seasons occur in?
You may know of the four seasons. In the southern parts of Australia the year is often divided up into spring, summer, autumn and winter. But what about other parts of Australia? Find out what seasons they have in northern Australia. See how the year is divided into months and shown as a calendar. You'll also see how many ...
This integrated lesson sequence that explores the concept and language of time and then moves to using sources and artefacts to show their own personal history. Students will share personal artefacts and those shared from their families to explore concepts of time, history and change.
This is a web resource that includes four student activities about calendar structure, format, patterns and uses, accompanied by student materials and a teacher guide for each activity. Activities cover different types of calendars for different time frames from a three-day calendar to a yearly calendar, dates of events, ...
This resource is a 50 page pdf integrated inquiry unit, for junior primary students, exploring farm life and farm produce. It uses the five stage inquiry model to sequence activities on the importance of measuring time in farm production. Topics explored are: how do farmers grow animals and crops?; how are these processed ...
Selected links to a range of interactive and print resources for Measurement topics in K-6 Mathematics.
Addition and subtraction using an interactive bread frame. Encourages the use of different strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems. Drawing tools enables students to annotate work to show their understanding. Write equations with the text tool. Free when reviewed on 12/5/2015.
This activity gives students practice in identifying the value of coins and notes. It also reinforces the concept of exchanging money for goods. The different levels all use a shopping context and the same basic functionality. Each level takes approximately 15 minutes.
This planning resource for Year 1 is for the topic of Time and duration. Students develop their understanding that different lengths of time have different names and that each time duration has a different standard unit of measure such as, hour, day, month and year.
This planning resource for Year 5 is for the topic of Time and duration. Students focus on reading time in 12- and 24-hour time and converting between them. They build on their knowledge of am and pm notation and solve time-related problems.
This planning resource for Foundation is for the topic of Time and duration. Students sequence days of the week and daily events.
Students describe, compare and order the duration of events. They investigate the length of a day and sequence the different phases that occur within this time period.
Compare algorithms designed to complete the same task, and evaluate each for efficiency.
This unit of work focuses on time and duration. Students define time zones and determine the corresponding time in different time zones in 12- and 24-hour time using GMT and UTC; determine departure and arrival times in both departure and arrival time zones given the travel duration; determine the travel duration given ...
This two-week unit develops student knowledge, understanding and skills that problems can be solved and represented in different ways.
This two-week unit develops student knowledge, understanding and skills to solve mathematical problems using critical and strategic thinking.
Using the Australian children's book 'Dog In, Cat Out' (written by Gillian Rubinstein and illustrated by Ann James) the lesson sequences and activities in this unit are a way to help children from Foundation to Grade 2 level gain an understanding of the concept of time, its measurement and its numeration.
This investigative project gives students the experience of being a professional ‘event planner’, by organising a special event such as a wedding reception, farewell or special birthday party. Students are asked to prepare a comprehensive plan that outlines a floor and seating plan, a fully costed menu, a monetary quote ...