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Listed under:  Science  >  Matter  >  Properties of matter  >  Phase transformations  >  Boiling  >  Evaporation

Recent evapotranspiration

This resource is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page with a map of Australia showing daily reference evapotranspiration and also tables of daily transpiration for each Australian state and the Northern Territory. Monthly data is available via the location links in the tables for each state.


Australian climate variability and change - trend maps

This resource is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page that provides trend maps for a number of climate variables including mean, maximum and minimum temperature, total rainfall, sea surface temperature, density of highs and lows, cloud cover and pan evaporation for Australia and for each state and the Northern Territory. ...


About evapotranspiration

This resource is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page about evapotranspiration. The resource explains what evapotranspiration is and provides information about how the Bureau's evapotranspiration values have been calculated. It explains how to access the Bureau's daily evapotranspiration maps and tables, provides information ...


Evaporation Innovation

In this activity, students are engineers tasked with developing an innovative solution that will reduce the rate of evaporation experienced by a local dam, reservoir or weir. Following the completion of the design challenge, students may explore how people in design and technologies fields have responded to similar issues.


Rising water table | Questacon

In this activity, students investigate salinity and water tables using simple house-hold objects and materials. The activity includes a list of what is required, suggestions of what to do and notice, questions to ask, an explanation for the underlying science of what students observe and suggestions for other related activities.


Influences on the water cycle

This collection of activities guide students to investigate which parts of the world, and of Australia, receive the most reliable rainfall. They also learn how much of the water becomes accessible, and predict issues this causes.